Hello friends,

I m using freeeradius v0.5 on RHL v7.1
I want to authenticate  users from LDAP. and  i want to support both PAP
and CHAP authentication from LDAP for users.

I have tried out,but no success.
I 've set  Microsoft dialer with option "bring up terminal window after
My LDAP has UserPassword attribute with MD5 encrypted value.
Now when i m authenticating from terminal window,it connects
But when i m saving username and password in the dialer and
authenticating from diale not from terminal window(i.e. i m escaping
that terminal window using "continue(F7)" button) it won?t authenticate
and gives error stated:
"CHAP password Required."

But fun is that when i m storing Cleare text passwod for a particular
user in the attribute UserPassword , and trying to authenticate from
terminal window ,no success,
But same thing by saving username and password in dialer dialog box, it

it's really irritate me . don?t get what's happening??

or is freeradius not supporting both CHAP and PAP authentication

I m currently using 3com's radius server and it supports both PAP and
CHAP authentication.
It also has password in encrypted format in database.

so,I m stuck. Plz. help me out.

I have gone thru the list but  not get solution.

I also know that PAP requires encrypted password to authenticate at
server side, while CHAP requires clear text password.

so, what to do. I don?t want to keep plain text password at server side.
and also want to support both mechanism.

my radiusd.conf  is attched with this mail.

Awaiting for favourable reply.

With Regards,

Kavita Modi
Software Engineer
Worldgate Networks Pvt Ltd.
Ring Road,
SURAT -395002.

## radiusd.conf -- FreeRADIUS server configuration file.
##      http://www.freeradius.org/
##      $Id: radiusd.conf.in,v 1.93 2002/04/22 16:05:59 aland Exp $

#       The location of other config files and
#       logfiles are declared in this file
#       Also general configuration for modules can be done
#       in this file, it is exported through the API to
#       modules that ask for it.
#       The configuration variables defined here are of the form ${foo}
#       They are local to this file, and do not change from request to
#       request.
#       The per-request variables are of the form %{Attribute-Name}, and
#       are taken from the values of the attribute in the incoming
#       request.  See 'doc/variables.txt' for more information.

# Stuff from autoconf
prefix = /usr/local/radiusd
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
sysconfdir = ${prefix}/etc
localstatedir = ${prefix}/var
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
logdir = ${localstatedir}/log/radius
raddbdir = ${sysconfdir}/raddb
radacctdir = ${logdir}/radacct

#  Location of config and logfiles.
confdir = ${raddbdir}
run_dir = ${localstatedir}/run

# libdir: Where to find the rlm_* modules.
#   This should be automatically set at configuration time.
#   If the server builds and installs, but fails at execution time
#   with an 'undefined symbol' error, then you can use the libdir
#   directive to work around the problem.
#   The cause is usually that a library has been installed on your
#   system in a place where the dynamic linker CANNOT find it.  When
#   executing as root (or another user), your personal environment MAY
#   be set up to allow the dynamic linker to find the library.  When
#   executing as a daemon, FreeRADIUS MAY NOT have the same
#   personalized configuration.
#   To work around the problem, find out which library contains that symbol,
#   and add the directory containing that library to the end of 'libdir',
#   with a colon separating the directory names.  NO spaces are allowed.
#   e.g. libdir = /usr/local/lib:/opt/package/lib
#   You can also try setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
#   in a script which starts the server.
#   If that does not work, then you can re-configure and re-build the
#   server to NOT use shared libraries, via:
#       ./configure --disable-shared
#       make
#       make install
libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib

#  pidfile: Where to place the PID of the RADIUS server.
#  The server may be signalled while it's running by using this
#  file.
#  This file is written when ONLY running in daemon mode.
#  e.g.:  kill -HUP `cat /var/run/radiusd.pid`
pidfile = ${run_dir}/radiusd.pid

# user/group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run radiusd as.
#   We STRONGLY recommend that you run the server with as few permissions
#   as possible.  That is, if you're not using shadow passwords, the
#   user and group items below should be set to 'nobody'.
#    On SCO (ODT 3) use "user = nouser" and "group = nogroup".
#  NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid(group)
#  when the value of (unsigned)group is above 60000;
#  don't use group nobody on these systems!
#  On systems with shadow passwords, you might have to set 'group = shadow'
#  for the server to be able to read the shadow password file.  If you can
#  authenticate users while in debug mode, but not in normal use, it may be
#  because the debugged server is running as a user that can read the shadow
#  info, and the user listed below can not.
user = radius
#user = root
group = radius
#group = root

#  max_request_time: The maximum time (in seconds) to handle a request.
#  Requests which take more time than this to process may be killed, and
#  a REJECT message is returned.
#  WARNING: If you notice that requests take a long time to be handled,
#  then this MAY INDICATE a bug in the server, in one of the modules
#  used to handle a request, OR in your local configuration.
#  Useful range of values: 5 to 120
max_request_time = 30

#  delete_blocked_requests: If the request takes MORE THAN 'max_request_time'
#  to be handled, then maybe the server should delete it.
#  If you're running in threaded, or thread pool mode, this setting
#  should probably be 'no'.  Setting it to 'yes' when using a threaded
#  server MAY cause the server to crash!
delete_blocked_requests = no

#  cleanup_delay: The time to wait (in seconds) before cleaning up
#  a reply which was sent to the NAS.
#  The RADIUS request is normally cached internally for a short period
#  of time, after the reply is sent to the NAS.  The reply packet may be
#  lost in the network, and the NAS will not see it.  The NAS will then
#  re-send the request, and the server will respond quickly with the
#  cached reply.
#  If this value is set too low, then duplicate requests from the NAS
#  MAY NOT be detected, and will instead be handled as seperate requests.
#  If this value is set too high, then the server will cache too many
#  requests, and some new requests may get blocked.  (See 'max_requests'.)
#  Useful range of values: 2 to 10
cleanup_delay = 5

#  max_requests: The maximum number of requests which the server keeps
#  track of.  This should be 256 multiplied by the number of clients.
#  e.g. With 4 clients, this number should be 1024.
#  If this number is too low, then when the server becomes busy,
#  it will not respond to any new requests, until the 'cleanup_delay'
#  time has passed, and it has removed the old requests.
#  If this number is set too high, then the server will use a bit more
#  memory for no real benefit.
#  If you aren't sure what it should be set to, it's better to set it
#  too high than too low.  Setting it to 1000 per client is probably
#  the highest it should be.
#  Useful range of values: 256 to infinity
max_requests = 1024

#  bind_address:  Make the server listen on a particular IP address, and
#  send replies out from that address.  This directive is most useful
#  for machines with multiple IP addresses on one interface.
#  It can either contain "*", or an IP address, or a fully qualified
#  Internet domain name.  The default is "*"
bind_address = *

#  port: Allows you to bind FreeRADIUS to a specific port.
#  The default port that most NAS boxes use is 1645, which is historical.
#  RFC 2138 defines 1812 to be the new port.  Many new servers and
#  NAS boxes use 1812, which can create interoperability problems.
#  The port is defined here to be 0 so that the server will pick up
#  the machine's local configuration for the radius port, as defined
#  in /etc/services.
#  If you want to use the default RADIUS port as defined on your server,
#  (usually through 'grep radius /etc/services') set this to 0 (zero).
#  A port given on the command-line via '-p' over-rides this one.
port = 0

#  Which program to execute check doing concurrency checks.
checkrad = ${sbindir}/checkrad

#  hostname_lookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
#  e.g., www.freeradius.org (on) or (off).
#  The default is 'off' because it'd be overall better for the net if people
#  had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that
#  each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the
#  nameserver.
#  Turning hostname lookups off also means that the server won't block
#  for 30 seconds, if it sees an IP address which has no name associated
#  with it.
#  allowed values: {no, yes}
hostname_lookups = no

#  Core dumps are a bad thing.  This should only be set to 'yes'
#  if you're debugging a problem with the server.
#  allowed values: {no, yes}
allow_core_dumps = no

#  Regular expressions
#  These items are set at configure time.  If they're set to "yes",
#  then setting them to "no" turns off regular expression support.
#  If they're set to "no" at configure time, then setting them to "yes"
#  WILL NOT WORK.  It will give you an error.
regular_expressions     = yes
extended_expressions    = yes

#  Log the full User-Name attribute, as it was found in the request.
# allowed values: {no, yes}
log_stripped_names = no

#  Log authentication requests to the log file.
#  allowed values: {no, yes}
log_auth = no

#  Log passwords with the authentication requests.
#  log_auth_badpass  - logs password if it's rejected
#  log_auth_goodpass - logs password if it's correct
#  allowed values: {no, yes}
log_auth_badpass = no
log_auth_goodpass = no

# usercollide:  Turn "username collision" code on and off.  See the
# "doc/duplicate-users" file
usercollide = no

# lower_user / lower_pass:  
# Lowercase the username/password "before" or "after"
# attempting to authenticate.  
# If "before", the server will first modify the request
# and then try to auth the user.  If "after", the server
# will first auth using the values provided by the
# user.  If that fails it will reprocess the request
# after modifying it as you specify below.
# This is as close as we can get to case insensitivity.  It is
# the admin's job to ensure that the username on the auth
# db side is *also* lowercase to make this work
# Default is 'no' (don't lowercase values)
# Valid values = "before" / "after" / "no"
lower_user = no
lower_pass = no

# nospace_user / nospace_pass:
# Some users like to enter spaces in their username or
# password incorrectly.  To save yourself the tech support
# call, you can eliminate those spaces here:
# Default is 'no' (don't remove spaces)
# Valid values = "before" / "after" / "no" (explanation above)
nospace_user = no
nospace_pass = no

#  There may be multiple methods of attacking on the server.  This
#  section holds the configuration items which minimize the impact
#  of those attacks
security {
        #  max_attributes: The maximum number of attributes
        #  permitted in a RADIUS packet.  Packets which have MORE
        #  than this number of attributes in them will be dropped.
        #  If this number is set too low, then no radius packets
        #  will be accepted.
        #  If this number is set too high, then an attacker may be
        #  able to send a small number of packets which will cause
        #  the RADIUS server to use all available memory.
        #  Setting this number to 0 means "allow any number of attributes"
        max_attributes = 200

        #  delayed_reject: When sending an Access-Reject, it can be
        #  delayed for a few seconds.  This may help slow down a DoS
        #  attack.  It also helps to slow down people trying to brute-force
        #  crack a users password.
        #  Setting this number to 0 means "send rejects immediately"
        #  If this number is set higher than "cleanup_delay", then the
        #  rejects will be sent after 'cleanup_delay".
        #  Useful ranges: 1 to 5
        reject_delay = 1

#  proxy_requests: Turns proxying of RADIUS requests on or off.
#  The server has proxying turned on by default.  If your system is NOT
#  set up to proxy requests to another server, then you can turn proxying
#  off here.  This will save a small amount of resources on the server.
#  If you have proxying turned off, and your configuration files say
#  to proxy a request, then an error message will be logged.
#  To disable proxying, change the "yes" to "no", and comment the
#  $INCLUDE line.
#  allowed values: {no, yes}
# Proxy request is changed to "no" - kavita.
proxy_requests  = no 
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/proxy.conf

#  Client configuration is defined in "clients.conf".  If you don't
#  use the "clients.conf", you can comment the following.  The use of
#  "clients.conf" is recommended over the old "clients", though both
#  are supported.
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/clients.conf

#  Snmp configuration is only valid if you enabled SNMP support when
#  you compiled radiusd.
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/snmp.conf

#  The thread pool is a long-lived group of threads which
#  take turns (round-robin) handling any incoming requests.
#  You probably want to have a few spare threads around,
#  so that high-load situations can be handled immediately.  If you
#  don't have any spare threads, then the request handling will
#  be delayed while a new thread is created, and added to the pool.
#  You probably don't want too many spare threads around,
#  otherwise they'll be sitting there taking up resources, and
#  not doing anything productive.
#  The numbers given below should be adequate for most situations.
thread pool {
        #  Number of servers to start initially --- should be a reasonable
        #  ballpark figure.
        start_servers = 5

        #  Limit on the total number of servers running.
        #  If this limit is ever reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it
        #  should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.  It is intended mainly as a brake to
        #  keep a runaway server from taking the system with it as it spirals
        #  down...
        max_servers = 32

        #  Server-pool size regulation.  Rather than making you guess
        #  how many servers you need, FreeRADIUS dynamically adapts to
        #  the load it sees, that is, it tries to maintain enough
        #  servers to handle the current load, plus a few spare
        #  servers to handle transient load spikes.
        #  It does this by periodically checking how many servers are
        #  waiting for a request.  If there are fewer than
        #  min_spare_servers, it creates a new spare.  If there are
        #  more than max_spare_servers, some of the spares die off.
        #  The default values are probably OK for most sites.
        min_spare_servers = 3
        max_spare_servers = 10

        #  There may be memory leaks or resource allocation problems with
        #  the server.  If so, set this value to 300 or so, so that the
        #  resources will be cleaned up periodically.
        #  This should only be necessary if there are serious bugs in the
        #  server which have not yet been fixed.
        #  '0' is a special value meaning 'infinity', or 'the servers never
        #  exit'
        max_requests_per_server = 0

modules {
        pam {
                #  The name to use for PAM authentication.
                #  PAM looks in /etc/pam.d/${pam_auth_name}
                #  for it's configuration.  See 'redhat/radiusd-pam'
                #  for a sample PAM configuration file.
                #  Note that any Pam-Auth attribute set in the 'users'
                #  file over-rides this one.
                pam_auth = radiusd
        unix {
                #  Cache /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group
                #  The default is to cache them.
                #  For FreeBSD, you do NOT want to enable the cache,
                #  as it's password lookups are done via a database.
                # allowed values: {no, yes}
                cache = yes

                # Reload the cache every 600 seconds (10mins). 0 to disable.
                cache_reload = 600

                #  Define the locations of the normal passwd, shadow, and
                #  group files.
                #  'shadow' is commented out by default, because not all
                #  systems have shadow passwords.
                #  To force the module to use the system password functions,
                #  instead of reading the files, comment out the 'passwd'
                #  and 'shadow' configuration entries.  This is required
                #  for some systems, like FreeBSD.
                passwd = /etc/passwd
                shadow = /etc/shadow
                group = /etc/group

                #  Where the 'wtmp' file is located.
                #  This will be moved to it's own module soon..
                radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp

        # EAP module for all EAP related authentications 
        eap {
                # Invoke the default supported EAP type when
                # EAP-Identity response is received
                #   default_eap_type = md5

                # Default expiry time to clean the EAP list,
                # It is maintained to co-relate the
                # EAP-response for each EAP-request sent.
                #   timer_expire     = 60

                # Supported EAP-types
                md5 {

                ## FIXME: EAP-TLS is highly experimental EAP-Type at the moment.  
                #       Please give feedback.
                #tls {
                #       private_key_password = password
                #       private_key_file = /path/filename

                #       Sometimes Private key & Certificate are located
                #       in the same file, then private_key_file & certificate_file
                #       must contain the same file name.
                #       certificate_file = /path/filename

                #       Trusted Root CA list
                #       CA_file = /path/filename

                #       dh_file = /path/filename
                #       random_file = /path/filename
                #       This can never exceed MAX_RADIUS_LEN (4096)
                #       preferably half the MAX_RADIUS_LEN, to
                #       accomodate other attributes in RADIUS packet.
                #       On most APs the MAX packet length is configured
                #       between 1500 - 1600. In these cases, fragment
                #       size should be <= 1024.
                #       fragment_size = 1024
                #       include_length is a flag which is by default set to yes
                #       If set to yes, Total Length of the message is included
                #       in EVERY packet we send.
                #       If set to no, Total Length of the message is included
                #       ONLY in the First packet of a fragment series.
                #       include_length = yes

        #  This module supports SAMBA passwd file authorization
        #  and MS-CHAP, MS-CHAPv2 authentication
        mschap {
                # if given, passwd shows location of
                # SAMBA passwd file
                #       passwd = /etc/smbpasswd
                # please note that smbpasswd authorization in
                # mschap is for compatibility only. It works
                # slow and shouldn't be used.
                # use rlm_passwd module instead in authorize section
                # you can find configuration example for
                # passwd etc_smbpasswd
                # below

                # authtype value, if present, will be used
                # to overwrite (or add) Auth-Type during
                # authorization. Normally should be MS-CHAP
                authtype = MS-CHAP
                # if ignore_password set to yes mschap will
                # ignore password set by any other module during
                # authorization and will always use password file
                #       ignore_password = yes  

                # if use_mppe is not set to no mschap will
                # add MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys for MS-CHAPv1 and
                # MS-MPPE-Recv-Key/MS-MPPE-Send-Key for MS-CHAPv2
                #       use_mppe = no

                # if mppe is enabled require_encryption makes
                # encryption moderate
                        require_encryption = yes

                # require_strong always requires 128 bit key
                # encryption
                        require_strong = yes

        # PAP module to authenticate users based on their stored password
        # Supports multiple encryption schemes
        # clear: Clear text
        # crypt: Unix crypt
        #   md5: MD5 ecnryption
        #  sha1: SHA1 encryption. Not yet implemented
        # DEFAULT: crypt
####Commented out by kavita....31/05/02
        pap {
                encryption_scheme = md5 
#### Added by kavita....31/05/02
        chap {
#               encryption_scheme = md5 
        #  This module definition allows you to use LDAP for
        #  authorization and authentication (Auth-Type = LDAP)
        #  See doc/rlm_ldap for description of configuration options 
        #  and sample authorize{} and authenticate{} blocks 
        #### Changed by kavita...         
        ldap {
                #server = "ldap.your.domain"
                server = ""
                identity = "cn=root,ou=control,o=worldgate"
                password = "01secret"
                basedn = "[EMAIL PROTECTED],ou=resellers,o=worldgate"
                # authtype = "MS-CHAP"
                filter = "(uid=%u)"
                start_tls = no
                # default_profile = "cn=radprofile,ou=dialup,o=My Org,c=UA"
                # profile_attribute = "radiusProfileDn"
                #access_group = "cn=clients,ou=dialup,o=My Org,c=UA"
                #access_attr = "dialupAccess"
                dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
                # ldap_cache_timeout = 120
                # ldap_cache_size = 0
                ldap_connections_number = 5
                password_header = "{md5}"
                #password_header = "{clear}"
                password_attribute = userPassword
                # password_attribute = userPassword
                # groupname_attribute = cn
                # groupmembership_filter = 
                timeout = 4
                timelimit = 3
                net_timeout = 1

        # passwd module allows to do authorization via any passwd-like
        # file and to extract any attributes from these modules
        # parameters are:
        #   filename - path to filename
        #   format - format for filename record. This parameters
        #            correlates record in the passwd file and RADIUS
        #            attributes.
        #            Field marked as '*' is key field. That is paramter
        #            with this name from request is used to search
        #            record from passwd file
        #            Field marked as ',' may contain a comma separated list
        #            of attributes.
        #   authtype - if record found this Auth-Type is used to authenticate
        #            user
        #   hashsize - hashtable size. If 0 or not specified records are not
        #            stored in memory and file is red on every request.
        #   allowmultiplekeys - if few records for every key are allowed
        #   ignorenislike - ignore NIS-related records
        #passwd etc_smbpasswd {
        #       filename = /etc/smbpasswd
        #       format = "*User-Name::LM-Password:NT-Password:SMB-Account-CTRL-TEXT::"
        #       authtype = MS-CHAP
        #       hashsize = 100
        #       ignorenislike = no
        #       allowmultiplekeys = no
        #passwd etc_group {
        #       filename = /etc/group
        #       format = "Group-Name:::*,User-Name"
        #       hashsize = 50
        #       ignorenislike = yes
        #       allowmultiplekeys = no

        # Do server side ip pool management. Should be added in authorize and
        # accounting sections
        # FIXME: This is highly experimental at the moment. Please give feedback
        # Parameters:
        # range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip addresses for the ip pool
        # netmask: The network mask used for the ip's
        # cache-size: The gdbm cache size for the db files. Should be equal to
        #            the number of ip's available in the ip pool
        # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to clients
        # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink
        # The module will also check for the existance of the Pool-Name attribute.
        # That way the administrator can add the Pool-Name attribute in the user 
        # and use different pools for different users
        # Example:
        # radiusd.conf: ippool students { [...] }
        # users file  : DEFAULT Group == students, Pool-Name := "students"
        #ippool {
        #       range-start =
        #       range-stop =
        #       netmask =
        #       cache-size = 800
        #       session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool
        #       ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex

        #  You can have multiple instances of the realm module to
        #  support multiple realm syntaxs at the same time.  The
        #  search order is defined the order in the authorize and
        #  preacct blocks after the module config block.
        #  Two config options:
        #       format     -  must be 'prefix' or 'suffix'
        #       delimiter  -  must be a single character
        #  'username@realm'
        realm suffix {
                format = suffix
                delimiter = "@"

        #  'realm/username'
        #  Using this entry, IPASS users have their realm set to "IPASS".
        realm realmslash {
                format = prefix
                delimiter = "/"

        #  'username%realm'
        realm realmpercent {
                format = suffix
                delimiter = "%"
        #  rewrite arbitrary packets.  Useful in accounting and authorization.
        ## FIXME:  This is highly experimental at the moment.  Please give 
        ## feedback.
        #attr_rewrite sanecallerid {
        #       attribute = Called-Station-Id
                # may be "packet", "reply", or "config"
        #       searchin = packet
        #       searchfor = "[+ ]"
        #       replacewith = ""
        #       ignore_case = no
        #       max_matches = 10

        preprocess {
                huntgroups = ${confdir}/huntgroups
                hints = ${confdir}/hints

                # This hack changes Ascend's wierd port numberings
                # to standard 0-??? port numbers so that the "+" works
                # for IP address assignments.
                with_ascend_hack = no
                ascend_channels_per_line = 23

                # Windows NT machines often authenticate themselves as
                # NT_DOMAIN\username
                # If this is set to 'yes', then the NT_DOMAIN portion
                # of the user-name is silently discarded.
                with_ntdomain_hack = no

                # Specialix Jetstream 8500 24 port access server.
                # If the user name is 10 characters or longer, a "/"
                # and the excess characters after the 10th are
                # appended to the user name.
                # If you're not running that NAS, you don't need
                # this hack.
                with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no

                # Cisco sends it's VSA attributes with the attribute
                # name *again* in the string, like:
                #   H323-Attribute = "h323-attribute=value".
                # If this configuration item is set to 'yes', then
                # the redundant data in the the attribute text is stripped
                # out.  The result is:
                #  H323-Attribute = "value"
                # If you're not running a Cisco NAS, you don't need
                # this hack.
                with_cisco_vsa_hack = no

        files {
                usersfile = ${confdir}/users
                acctusersfile = ${confdir}/acct_users

                #  If you want to use the old Cistron 'users' file
                #  with FreeRADIUS, you should change the next line
                #  to 'compat = cistron'.  You can the copy your 'users'
                #  file from Cistron.
                compat = no

        # See README.rlm_fastusers before using this
        # module or changing these values.
        fastusers {
                usersfile = ${confdir}/users_fast
                hashsize = 1000
                compat = no
                # Reload the hash every 600 seconds (10mins)
                hash_reload = 600
        detail {
                #  Note that we do NOT use NAS-IP-Address here, as that
                #  attribute MAY BE from the originating NAS, and NOT
                #  from the proxy which actually sent us the request.
                #  The Client-IP-Address attribute is ALWAYS the address
                #  of the client which sent us the request.
                detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail
                detailperm = 0600

        # This module will add a (probably) unique session id 
        # to an accounting packet based on the attributes listed
        # below found in the packet.  see doc/README.rlm_acct_unique
        acct_unique {
                key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, 

        # Include another file that has SQL-related stuff in it.  
        # This is another file solely because it tends to be big.
        #####Changed by kavita - 29/05/2002
        #$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf
        $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/postgresql.conf

        radutmp {
                filename = ${logdir}/radutmp
                perm = 0600
                callerid = "yes"

        # "Safe" radutmp - does not contain caller ID, so it can be
        # world-readable, and radwho can work for normal users, without
        # exposing any information that isn't already exposed by who(1).
        # This is another instance of the radutmp module, but it is given
        # then name "sradutmp" to identify it later in the "accounting"
        # section.
        radutmp sradutmp {
                filename = ${logdir}/sradutmp
                perm = 0644
                callerid = "no"

        # attr_filter - filters the attributes received in replies from
        # proxied servers, to make sure we send back to our RADIUS client
        # only allowed attributes.
        attr_filter {
                attrsfile = ${confdir}/attrs

        #  This module takes an attribute (count-attribute), which MUST
        #  be an 'integer' or 'time' attribute.  It also takes a key,
        #  and creates a counter for each unique key.  The count is
        #  incremented when accounting packets are received by the
        #  server.  The value of the increment is the value of the
        #  count-attribute.
        #  The 'reset' parameter defines when the counters are all reset to
        #  zero.  It can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or never.
        #  It can also be user defined. It should be of the form:
        #  num[hdwm] where:
        #  h: hours, d: days, w: weeks, m: months
        #  If the leter is ommited days will be assumed. In example:
        #  reset = 10h (reset every 10 hours)
        #  reset = 12  (reset every 12 days)
        #  The counter-name is the name of the attribute in the 'users'
        #  file used to access that counter.  e.g.
        #  DEFAULT  Daily-Session-Time > 3600, Auth-Type = Reject
        #      Reply-Message = "You've used up more than one hour today"
        counter {
                filename = ${raddbdir}/db.counter
                key = User-Name
                count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
                reset = daily
                counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
                check-name = Max-Daily-Session
                allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
                cache-size = 5000

        # The "always" module is here for debugging purposes. Each instance simply
        # returns the same result, always, without doing anything.
        always fail {
                rcode = fail
        always reject {
                rcode = reject
        always ok {
                rcode = ok
                simulcount = 0
                mpp = no

        # ANSI X9.9 token support.  Not included by default.
        # $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/x99.conf


# Authorization. First preprocess (hints and huntgroups files),
# then realms, and finally look in the "users" file.
# The order of the realm modules will determine the order that
# we try to find a matching realm.
# Make *sure* that 'preprocess' comes before any realm if you 
# need to setup hints for the remote radius server
authorize {

# The chap module will set Auth-Type to CHAP if we are handling a CHAP request
# and Auth-Type has not already been set
#       counter
#       attr_filter
#       eap
#       suffix
#       sql
#       etc_smbpasswd
#       mschap

# The ldap module will set Auth-Type to LDAP if it has not already been set
#       ldap

# Authentication.
# This section lists which modules are available for authentication.
# Note that it does NOT mean 'try each module in order'.  It means
# that you have to have a module from the 'authorize' section add
# a configuration attribute 'Auth-Type := FOO'.  That authentication type
# is then used to pick the apropriate module from the list below.
# The default Auth-Type is Local. That is, whatever is not included inside
# an authtype section will be called only if Auth-Type is set to Local
# So you should do the following:
# Set Auth-Type to an appropriate value in the authorize section. For example chap
# will set Auth-Type to CHAP, ldap to LDAP etc
# After that create corresponding authtype sections in the authenticate section below
# and call the appropriate modules (chap for CHAP etc)

authenticate {
#       pam
#       unix
#       sql

# Uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
#uncommented by kavita
#       authtype LDAP {
#               ldap
#       }
#       eap
# Uncomment it if you want to support CHAP

##### Uncommented by kavita ....31/05/2002
#       authtype CHAP {
#               chap
#       }
# Uncomment the following if you want to support PAP and you extract user
# passwords from the user database (LDAP,SQL etc). You should use the files
# module to set Auth-Type to PAP for this to work.

##### Uncommented by kavita ....31/05/2002
        authtype PAP {

# Pre-accounting. Look for proxy realm in order of realms, then 
# acct_users file, then preprocess (hints file).
preacct {

# Accounting. Log to detail file, and to the radwtmp file, and maintain
# radutmp.
accounting {
#       acct_unique
#       sradutmp

# Session database, used for checking Simultaneous-Use. The radutmp module
# handles this
session {

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