At 02:41 PM 6/26/2002 +0800, James Taylor wrote:
>Thanks Chris, you are a legend!
>That config did exactly what I want. :)
>However now I have a problem with accounting packets.
>They seem to always be proxied off to the default realm no matter what.
>I guess this is because the users file is not processed for accounting 
>Do you or anyone have any idea how I can set a realm for an accounting 
>packet by the Called-Station-Id?

There is an equivalent to the 'users' file used for accounting that is
called 'acct_users'.  If you add the same Proxy-To-Realm configs to that
you should get the behaviour you are looking for.

    \\\|||///  \          StarNet Inc.      \         Chris Parker
    \ ~   ~ /   \       WX *is* Wireless!    \   Director, Engineering
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