> Group-Name == "slow"

> checks  for  Group-Name  attribute  in  check  list  (that  is  list  of
> attributes received in RADIUS request).

> format = "*User-Name:User-Password:Group-Name"

> adds  Group-Name  attribute to config items list. So there will never be
> Group-Name  in  check  list.  Changing  Group-Name to Group will give no
> result.

Can I move attribute from config items list to check list?
Or how i can check config attribute?

> I can change rlm_passwd to be able to add something to replay attributes
> list.  In  this  case  you  will  be able to directly add Pool-Name from
> passwd file to RADIUS reply.

No. this is bad idea to add Pool-Name to Reply.
Imagine, I have 2 NASes with 2 ip-pool for each
(ippool-1-fast, ippool-1-slow for 1-st NAS and ippool-2-fast, ippool-2-slow for 2-ns 
So we have 4 different ip-pools.
User can connect to any of NASes.
rlm_passwd returns slow or fast for the user.
If user from slow group connected to NAS#1, Pool-Name have to
changed to ippool-1-slow. If user connected to NAS#1, then
Pool-Name := ippool-2-slow.

Can you explain me how I can make such choice?

mmr>> I have similar problem. I try group-based authenticate.

mmr>> in radius.conf:

mmr>> passwd raddb_userlist {
mmr>>   filename = /etc/raddb/userlist
mmr>>   format = "*User-Name:User-Password:Group-Name"
mmr>>   authtype = MS-CHAP
mmr>>   hashsize = 1000
mmr>>   ignorenislike = no
mmr>>   allowmultiplekeys = no
mmr>> }

mmr>> in /etc/raddb/userlist:

mmr>> mmike:mike:fast

mmr>> users file (with line numbers):

mmr>> 185:DEFAULT Group-Name == "slow", Pool-Name := "ippool-1-slow"
mmr>> 186:    Fall-Through = Yes
mmr>> 187:
mmr>> 188:DEFAULT Group-Name == "fast", Pool-Name := "ippool-1-fast"
mmr>> 189:    Fall-Through = Yes
mmr>> 190:
mmr>> 191:DEFAULT     Service-Type == Framed-User
mmr>> 192:    Framed-MTU = 1500,
mmr>> 193:    Service-Type = Framed-User,
mmr>> 194:    Fall-Through = Yes

mmr>> now i run radiusd:
mmr>> # radiusd -xx

mmr>> ...
mmr>> modcall: entering group authorize
mmr>>   modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
mmr>> rlm_passwd: Added User-Password: mike
mmr>> rlm_passwd: Added Group-Name: fast      <---- Group-Name attribute added with 
value "fast"
mmr>> rlm_passwd: Adding Auth-Type: MS-CHAP
mmr>> ....
mmr>>     users: Matched DEFAULT at 191
mmr>>   modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
mmr>> ...

mmr>> MATCH found at line 191 only. Hm.. what about line 188?!!!

mmr>> I try use "Group" attr instead "Group-Name". Result is the same.

mmr>> Its like a bug?

>>> I have install freeradius 0.7.1 on slackware 8.0 with shadow password
>>> Installation was ok and basic functions are working.
>>> I have experience problems wen i try to deny access to one of the groups
>>> on the radius server
>>> Following instruction did not help.
>>> I try :
>>> DEFAULT Group == "users" , Auth-Type :=Reject
>>> DEFAULT Group == users , Auth-Type :=Reject
>>> DEFAULT Group == "users" , Auth-Type =Reject
>>> DEFAULT Group == users , Auth-Type =Reject
>>> And more before:
>>> DEFAULT  Auth-Type := System
>>> but nothing work.
>>> User marcin , group users was always able to authenticate.
>>> This is a debug of the auth process:
>>> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=131,
>>> length=81
>>>         NAS-IP-Address =
>>>         Calling-Station-Id = ""
>>>         User-Name = "marcin?X0040;hostplus.net"
>>>         User-Password = "\274\252\2162\275\rS+\305F.\240\007Ia"
>>> modcall: entering group authorize
>>>   modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
>>>     rlm_realm: Looking up realm hostplus.net for User-Name =
>>> "marcin?X0040;hostplus.net"
>>>     rlm_realm: Found realm hostplus.net
>>>     rlm_realm: Adding Stripped-User-Name = "marcin"
>>>   rlm_realm: Proxying request from user marcin to realm hostplus.net
>>>     rlm_realm: Adding Realm = "hostplus.net"
>>> rlm_realm:  Authentication realm is LOCAL.
>>> rlm_realm:  auth_port is not set.  proxy cancelled
>>>   modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
>>>     users: Matched DEFAULT at 6
>>>   modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
>>> modcall: group authorize returns ok
>>>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type System
>>> auth: type "System"
>>> modcall: entering group authenticate
>>>   modcall[authenticate]: module "unix" returns ok
>>> modcall: group authenticate returns ok
>>> Login OK: [marcin?X0040;hostplus.net] (from client supernews port 0 cli
>>> Sending Access-Accept of id 131 to
>>> Finished request 4
>>> Going to the next request
>>> And one more thing.
>>> Will i be able to limit access based on
>>> Called-Station-id ?
>>> If so what would be a process to set this up?

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