I don't know what it was I looked through all the files again  and ran your
query and the ip was right.
So finaly I copied the whole Dialup Admin directory from the source and then
redone admin.conf from scratch and now it is working fine.
Wierd, must have been something in there as now it works perfectly.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kostas Kalevras" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: radwtmp

> On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Nick Marino wrote:
> > Nope I had all that set like that. I am using an ascend 6000 max.
> > Below is the snippet from my admin.conf file for that section.
> > But it still wont show logged on users. it was working at one time.
> > Any other suggestions on where to look.. I am really stumped I went
> > just about every file.
> >
> > general_finger_type:
> > #general_snmpfinger_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/snmpfinger
> > general_radclient_bin: %{general_radiusd_base_dir}/bin/radclient
> > #
> First of all, if you are using ver 1.59 (check Changelog) and you have
> sessions then you should also use the 'Clear Cache' if you 've done any
> in the configuration files. Other than that the only thing I can think of
> that you have mispelled the nas ip in admin.conf.
> Run the following sql query:
> SELECT DISTINCT UserName,AcctStartTime,FramedIPAddress,CallingStationId
> FROM radacct WHERE AcctStopTime = '0' AND NASIPAddress =
> GROUP BY UserName ORDER BY AcctStartTime;
> in sql where NAS-IP-ADDRESS is your NAS ip address and see what happens.
> page should work if this query returns ok.
> --
> Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Technical University of Athens, Greece
> Work Phone: +30 10 7721861
> 'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf
> -
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