Jukka Lehti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must be probably too stupid or complete blind sice I
> just can't find any info how to use Vendor-Specific
> attributes with radclient and radiusd. I have this
> simple test dictionary:
> VENDOR Testing 1234
> ATTRIBUTE Foo 1 integer         Testing
> ATTRIBUTE Bar 2 integer         Testing
> How I shall send those with radclient?

  Use them like any other attribute?

> echo
> "User-Name=un,User-Password=pw,Vendor-Specific=1234 |

  Uh, why would you use Vendor-Specific when you wanted attribute
'Foo' or 'Bar'?

> And I couldn't add
> Vendor-Specific attributes to server reply either. Is
> there any examples available, since this didn't work:
> un Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "pw"
>         Reply-Message = "Hello, World!",
>         Vendor-Specific = "Testing,Foo=123"

  Of course not.  You just use the attributes "Foo" or "Bar", like
anything else.

  But you DO have to tell the main dictionary file about the new
dictionary you added... did you try 'man 5 dictionary' ??

  Alan DeKok.

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