On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Ruslan A Dautkhanov wrote:

> Hi !
> But I havn't found anywhere - How to kick PPPoE-users ?
> I have found http://www.vayner.net/Docs/Cisco/SNMP/MIBs/CISCO-PPPOE-MIB.my.txt ,
> but it have no any variables, that can help to kick users.

Don't know on that.

> CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB.my.txt have no such variables also.

Search the file for the casnDisconnect entry. It clearly states:

"This object is used to terminate this session. Setting the value to true(1)
will initiate termination of this session."

> Please point me to OID, which can allow me kick any user (Session-Timeout
> attribute is unuseful in this occurrence).  Thanks a lot.
> ---
>  best regards,
> Ruslan A Dautkhanov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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