On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 05:51, Roy Wills wrote:
> I am new to FreeRadius and am wondering if there is a way to block web access during 
>certain times of the day. I am using a web proxy program that authenticates through 
>FreeRadius and need 
> to block access to certain users between say 6 pm and 6am. Is that possible with 

Yes, it's possible - but made terribly difficult by the fact that you
may need to actually read the documentation with the source, or even on
the web site, or (in the case of your particular question) in one of
thousands of such postings to the list... Unfortunately, documentation
and advice on how to set up what you're after is *everywhere* - you may
need to t(h)read carefully (hehe), for fear that said info may jump out
and bite you on the... erm... I'm sure you get the picture *grin*...

 Mattt.                      icq   : 117539757 
 aboveNetworks               www   : www.above.nq4u.net
   What's got four legs and an arm?  A happy Pit Bull...

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