
    I just wrote a small Perl script... here it is... I am no Perl expert,
but it gets the job done...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# This perl script should be put in the monthly cron rotation.
# It will move the radius.log file to the archive folder and compress it

use strict;
my $day;
my $month;
my $date;
my $time;
my $timezone;
my $year;

`mv /usr/local/var/log/radius/radius.log
chdir "/usr/local/var/log/radius/archive";
`date > date.txt`;
@ARGV = qw# /usr/local/var/log/radius/archive/date.txt #;
while (<>) {
        my ($day, $month, $date, $time, $timezone, $year) = split;
        `mv /usr/local/var/log/radius/archive/radius.log
        `gzip $month$year.log`;
        `rm -r -f date.txt`;

Mark Capelle - CNE5, CNE4, A+
Network Administrator
Paper Converting Machine Company

>Message: 13
>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 10:41:33 -0500
>From: Daniel Monjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: how to make radiusd restart its log files?
>I want to rotate my logs at the first of the month.  I want to rename=
> the=20
>log files and then have radiusd start writing to a new set.  I was ho=
>'kill -1' would make it write to a new radius.log but apparently not.=
>Starting and stopping radiusd does it but that seems excessive.
>Any other way to do it?
>Daniel Monjar
>IS Manager, Technical Services
>bioM=E9rieux, Inc.
>Durham, NC US

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