At 11:40 AM 11/1/2002 +0100, Nils Rønhovde wrote:

I have installed FR 0.7.1 on a Solaris 8 machine. I have some small
problems that seems to be related to the dictionaries.

When I connect to my Cisco AS5400, I get some accounting-attributes that
the server doesn't understand, and prints like this:

Attr-198 = "\000\000\000\001"
Attr-255 = "\000\000\372"

According to, they should be like this:

ATTRIBUTE       Cisco-PreSession-Time           198     integer
ATTRIBUTE       Cisco-Xmit-Rate                 255     integer

There are some other attributes this happens with as well (187, 188,

The odd thing is, that when I also include dictionary.ascend, which have
the samme attributes listed with "X-Ascend" in front, then the server
recognises the attributes and prints them correctly to my detailfile,
even if they come from my AS5400.
That is because cisco has implemented an Ascend compatability mode, where
it will accept and send the old-style Ascend attributes ( known to us
as the X-Ascend-* attributes ).

Should I include the dictionaries in a particular order?
Order doesn't matter, there is a one-to-one match for attributes and

Are there any dictionaries I must include?
It is best to include all of them.

Any hints of why I am experiencing this?

What should I look for when I debug?
Nothing, the server and cisco are doing what you have them configured
to do. If you want to disable the sending of Ascend style attributes
remove the 'non-standard' portion of the radius server config from your
cisco NAS. IE:

To enable the Ascend style attributes:

radius-server host X.Y.Z.A auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 non-standard

To disable the Ascend style attributes:

radius-server host X.Y.Z.A auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

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