I have a couple of questions about adding a new EAP module to freeRadius. I have version 0.7.1.

1. Easy one first: Does anybody know how to send the EAP-Message attribute with radclient? That attribute needs to contain a list of EAP attributes and I dont know the syntax. I tried putting the EAP-Message itself in quotes but that didnt help either. My packet always gets rejected. Examples of EAP-Response/Identity and an EAP-Response with a particular EAP type would help a lot.

2. More specifically, I'm implementing EAP-SIM, which negotiates some challenges with the client. All I've seen about how to do this is the IMPLEMENTATION section in the doc/eap file, which is rather brief. Any details or pointers to info about how to do this will help a lot. In particular, how do you maintain the session state between challenges? I'm studying the MD5 and TLS modules that come with the distribution but I'm still a bit lost.

Thanks for any help you may have,

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