Hi everybody ...At my company we were working with the Cistron Radius...but now 
we have to upgrade it to the freeradius server, we were working with 
authentication based in the shadow and the passwd files in our Linux 8.0 Sever
but now we want to make the freeradius work with a postgreslq database, I 
modified the module for accounting at the radius.conf and then I made the 
changes at the postgresql.conf file to make it work with our database..., but  
I need to know where we have to specified that the authentication for everyone 
of our users has to be done with the database too...For the Cistron radius we 
have to set the type of authentication to Mysql or postgresql in the users file 
for every entry ... but in the freeradius this is not an attribute for 
users ..., by the way ...if I make it works ...I have another question..in the 
configuration for the Cistron radius ..the passwords for the users were created 
by Linux in the shadow file ..but now, how I could get the same cyptology for 
the password field when I have to create a new user in the database ...

Thanks ..

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