my cisco AS5300 send this packed to free radius server.

2w6d:         Attribute 4 6 D5E5A0D5   (NAS-IP-Address)
2w6d:         Attribute 5 6 00004E20   (NAS-Port)
2w6d:         Attribute 61 6 00000002  (NAS-Port-Type)
2w6d:         Attribute 1 10 67686461  (User-Name)
2w6d:         Attribute 30 11 39313738 (Called-Station-Id)
2w6d:         Attribute 31 11 39353432 (Calling-Station-Id)
2w6d:         Attribute 3 19 11DDBFBB  (CHAP-Password)
2w6d:         Attribute 6 6 00000002   (Service-Type)
2w6d:         Attribute 7 6 00000001   (Framed-Protocol)

2w6d: Se0:0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 17 len 29 from "ghdanies"
2w6d: Se0:0 AUTH: Duplicate authentication request id=17 already in progress
2w6d: RADIUS: Received from id 86, Access-Reject, len 20
2w6d: AAA/AUTHEN (2983103521): status = FAIL

i can identify a user for user-name, Called-Station-Id, Calling-Station-Id, but when i 
try with a Nas-Port-Type for check a ISDN
call o Async always fail. it can be because the previous are string and these is 
integer ??

in the file users i put.

john         NAS-Port-Type == 2
                Auth-Type := Accept,
                Service-Type = Framed,
                Framed-Protocol = PPP,
         Session-Timeout = 150,
                Idle-Timeout = 150

y test with

john         NAS-Port-Type == ISDN
                Auth-Type := Accept,
                Service-Type = Framed,
                Framed-Protocol = PPP,
         Session-Timeout = 150,
                Idle-Timeout = 150

i need it because i need to put a diferent Session-Timeout for isdn calls or async 
call of a unique users.

he need that the user john with isdn call, the time limit are 150 seconds for call. 
and with Async calls the limit are 250 seconds.

any can help me ?

my system.

freeradius 0.4
2x P3-1000Mhz, 1.5Gb Ram
Suse Linux 7.3
Kernel 2.4.10

thanks to all.

Victor Sanchez

P.D: Escuse for my poor english

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