Hi all,

    First, excuse me, but the link not worked properly. I can't download the file.
    Second, I appreciate your try to create sql version of ippool module (btw, why
    it not process accounting on/off packets - recieving this packet RADIUS server
    should mark all IPs as deallocated?).
> 2. We use transaction so could not use rlm_sql, instead rlm_sql source
> is included. This is bad.
    Why not using rlm_sql? I think any tries to implement rlm_sql module/driver
    specially for this module will be ugly. If it not have transactions implemented,
    then we have reason to implement it rlm_sql in the interface calls. Anyway,
    if it's not currently possible we can create rlm_sqlippool without transactions.
    I have my own idea about DB's scheema for this module. Maybe somebody like it.
    Datatypes from Postgresql, but you can adopt to any other RDBMS.

        poolname    text
    This table just store set of ippool names. This table optional and have only
    informational usability.

        poolname    int4
        rangeid     int4
        rangefrom   inet
        rangeto     inet
        netmask     inet
    This relation store ranges of IP addresses for each ippool. netmask field
    have the same meaning, as in rlm_ippool module. NB: one pool can have
    multiple ip ranges!

        ip                  inet
        nasipaddr           inet
        nasport             int4
        callingstation      text
    _Global_ store for allocated IPs. NB: different ippools can have the same
    or overlapped ipranges without any problems, because we have global store.
    Last tree fields used for the same aims, as on rlm_ippool (for deallocation
    on accounting stop,on,off-packets). Now about transactions - you can not
    to use transations if you create unique index on ip attribute! RDBMS will
    fail to allocate the same IP - and you'll just should properly interpret
    this by trying allocation of another IP address.
        Thanks a lot for any comments.

 best regards,
Ruslan A Dautkhanov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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