Hi there. Glad to join the list.
I'm facing a puzzle dealing with Radius; the whole problem doesn't makes sense to me, but I'm still trying to find a way.
( I work at an ISP in Brazil)
The classic situation:
Since my custome dials-in and authenticates, it will have an assigned filter, i.e. if he hasn't paid his prepaid account. With this filter, I can say what (IP) addresses and/or services he can or cannot access. Regular customers have no filters.
The question:
There's some way, using RAS filters activated by the Radius server, to "force" my filtered customer to open some default homepage in his browser? In other words, no matter what website he tries to reach, he's redirected (at his first try) to www.rantac.com.br/payme.html ?
I'm not using proxy. And I can't imagine how to combine IPTables (or other packet-filter) to redirect the customer IP to some URL based on the RAS/radius filter.
Any tip? Is this really impossible?

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