<<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/18  1:54p >>>
>"Sean Albright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm new to radius and having a bit of trouble >installing FreeRadius 8.1 on
>> SuSE 8.0.  I've looked through the archive and >couldn't come up with a
>> solution to my problem...
>> Configuring, making, and make installing seem >to go off without a hitch,
>> but when I start radiusd I get:
>> Starting - reading configuration files ...
>> dict_init: Invalid type on line 257 >of /etc/raddb/dictionary.ascend

>  You told 'configure' to build the server >without Ascend binary
>attributes, and now you're wondering why the >server complains when it
>sees the 'abinary' attributes.

>  Stop trying to out-think the server.  Don't >give it any fancy
>configure options if you don't understand their >impact.

>  Alan DeKok.

Sorry for the short reply... bit of a misfire...

I ran config with:
>./configure --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc

and no other options... so --with-ascend-binary should have been "yes", the default, 


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