At 10:31 PM 1/15/2003 +0300, falcon wrote:
I have to make sql-authorization, i mean man connects to NAS server?
and then his username and login is checked in postgres database, waht
directives i must write, and how i should compile it?
i`m sorry for guru, because of my lama question.
Your last sentance made for a chuckle, but since you speak better english
than I speak the language of your country, I won't hold it against you. :)

In order to setup FreeRADIUS to auth against an SQL database, you'll need
to add 'sql' to the authorize block of the 'radiusd.conf' file. This will
allow you pull the needed information from your SQL database. You will
also need to create the appropriate tables in your database to match the
standard queries that FreeRADIUS uses.

The table definitions you can use are found in 'src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_postgresql/db_postgresql.sql'.

As for the values to populate into the tables, you should read the
'postgresql.conf' file ( which should be included in your 'radiusd.conf'
instead of the default 'sql.conf' which is setup for MySQL ). You should
also look a the instructions in 'doc/rlm_sql'.

If you get stuck, post a query to the list and we'll try to help you
solve your problems. Make sure to attempt it on your own first, and to
read the output of 'radiusd -X', since the server does have very good
debugging information about what and why it is doing what it is doing.

\\\|||/// \ StarNet Inc. \ Chris Parker
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