Kostas Kalevras schrieb:
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Alan DeKok wrote:

Norbert Wegener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've  got the dynmaic ippool handling working.
Looking at the source code, it seems to me, that ipaddresses are freed,
when an Accounting-Stop record comes along.
As those records arrive via udp (true??) some might be lost and the
associated addresses will never be freed.
Is this true?
 Sort of.  The UDP packets may be lost, but the NAS *should* re-send
them.  If it doesn't, it's broken.

If so: how can those addresses be set to unused during normal
 Use a non-broken NAS.

 Hmm... the module SHOULD handle the case where a stop is lost
completely (rare, but possible) and a new start packet comes in for
the same port.  I haven't looked at the source to see if/how it does
this, though.

If an Access-Request comes in for a port that has already an assigned ip that ip
is freed.
This is a reasonable behaviour. Nevertheless I would like to know, whether there is a chance to monitor how many ips are in use.
Does a tool for this already exist?
Norbert Wegener

Norbert Wegener Phone : (49) 201 2661 379
SBS Essen Fax: (49) 201 2661 377
http://relax.sbs.de (intranet)

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