I have set up Freeradius 0.8.1 on a basic RedHat 8.0 install to replace
several windows radius servers we run right now.  Freeradius auths off of a
mysql database using cleartext passwords so that CHAP may be used.  We
resell DSL lines through a larger ISP who proxies the auths to our radius
servers using pap.  After I got all the username/passwords and group
attributes put into the sql database, I had the ISP start proxying the
requests to the new box running freeradius, and this is what showed up in
the logs:

... Auth: Login incorrect:
[username/\007\323\002m2\227\035b%\346\211\234\036\342\233a] (from client
theclient port 0)

The server proxying these requests is using PAP, the encryption_scheme =
clear in radiusd.conf, and I know the PAP module is loading just before the
CHAP module does.  I know that I could run the server in debug mode to see
exactly what is going on, but its a live box that is handling all auths for
my company now (except DSL :) and my superiors will not let me take it down,
restart, etc at all.  The larger ISP who proxies these requests to us is
notoriously hard to get a hold of for issues like testing a new radius
server (sometimes it takes over a week just hear back from them).  To test
the new system, I had to actually take the old windows RADIUS server down
(after making sure the clients/secrets and username/password information was
on the new box also) and steal it's ip address.  So I'm hoping somebody may
have an idea on what is going on.  Thanks all.


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