
would it be Вожможно for you to avoid russenglish? it's hardly
comprehensible, even perfectly speaking both languages. and it's not very polite for those who don't, don't you think? :-)

> Whether Вожможно that the inquiry in comparison of passwords was such
> plan WAIT_PPP_PSWD2 and from base return either a zero or the
> password and login. Then at стаhтовой to record in base it was
> transferred INSERT (standard) And at closing сесии (close init
> sesion). If it possible that you could not result examples skripts by
> means of which it is possible to make the given procedures! Thenk You
> for you help !

> Sank-Petersburg

SankT??? :-)

best wishes

Artur Hecker
De'partement Informatique et Re'seaux, ENST Paris

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