On Tue February 4 2003 04:31, Peter V. Saveliev wrote:
> ...
> Hello!
> I'm trying to set up logging of shell commands from cisco to freeradius. On
> cisco:
> RT001-005#show running-config
> <skip />
> aaa accounting commands 0 default stop-only group radius
> aaa accounting commands 15 default stop-only group radius
> <skip />
> RT001-005#debug aaa accounting
> AAA Accounting debugging is on
> RT001-005#terminal monitor
> RT001-005#
> *Mar  3 23:29:29 MSK: AAA/ACCT/CMD: User peet, Port tty4, Priv 15:
>          "terminal monitor <cr>"
> *Mar  3 23:29:29 MSK: AAA/ACCT/CMD: Found list "default"
> *Mar  3 23:29:29 MSK: AAA/ACCT: user peet, acct type 3 (730425604):
> Method=radius (radius)
> But I don't receive any records on the radius machine:

This has been discussed before on the list. do a back search.
Cisco have decided that they could not be bothered to fully support radius on 
threir gear and as such command accounting only works with tacacs not radius 
on cisco gear. (It works fine with radius on other vendors equipment)


Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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