At 08:25 PM 2/6/2003 +0100, Jacques Caruso wrote:
OK. I still haven't managed to get the damn solution working, even with
the helpful hints from Chris and Alan, and even after trying very hard I
still get proxy calls (and subsequent Access-Reject) for people who
shouldn't trigger them. Here is what I finally put in radgroupcheck :

mysql> SELECT * FROM radgroupcheck WHERE GroupName='internix';
| id | GroupName | Attribute         | Value | op   |
|  6 | internix  | No-Such-Attribute |       | :=   |
Huh?  How can you think this is a valid entry?

# This one is special for one of our customers
DEFAULT Service-Type == Call-Check, Auth-Type += Accept
Probably want that to be :=, not +=.

# This is the one that should be triggering the proxying. Note I was
# under the impression from Alan's message that telling the program that
# the Auth-Type was Local and there was no fall-through would be enough
# but since it didn't work, I added that condition (without success :-(
DEFAULT Auth-Type != Local, Proxy-To-Realm += "alien"
Again, you'll probably want :=, not +=.  I also don't think this will
work the way that you want it to.

The proxy.conf has only one realm :

alien {
        type            = radius
        authhost        =
        accthost        =
        secret          = xxxxxxxxx
Why not just put a DEFAULT entry in your 'proxy.conf' file?

And here is what happens when I try to authenticate a local user with
that configuration :

rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 4
  modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns ok
    users: Matched DEFAULT at 216
What entry exists at line 216 of the users file.  Is it the one you
want to match?

  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "xxxxxxxxxx", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
modcall: group authorize returns ok
Sending Access-Request of id 1 to
                                  ... but the software insists to proxy
                                  the request anyway (?!?!?).
You're telling it to via your 'Proxy-To-Realm' check-item in the
users file. You need to work on that DEFAULT entry at line 216, so
that it doesn't match when you don't want it to.
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