Stella Korakaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a radius sw running on a windows machine with microsoft sql 
> server for storing the information.
> I need to replace this machine with a linux server with freeradius and 
> ldap.

  That's a good choice.

> I was searching for information in the internet to get familiar with 
> ldap and freeradius but still I don't know where to start from. :-(

  See the 'testimonials' on the web page.  The Greek School Network
uses that exact configuration.

> My first step AFAIK is to export the microsoft sql data into csv format 
> and then to create the appropriate ldif creating a small script for this 
> job. My problem is that I don't know  how to design the ldif and what 
> kind of attributes shall I set. Also, I've seen that freeradius contains 
> an ldap schema but I don't know how to use it.
> Please notice that I'm not familiar with ldap ...

  I would suggest buying an LDAP book.

  Configuring FreeRADIUS to use LDAP won't be easy if you don't know
how to set up an LDAP database.

  Alan DeKok.

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