On 12:54pm, Andrei Koulik wrote:

> >> GGV> Hello, I'm trying to get rlm-dbm compiled, but seems it does not with
> >> GGV> BerkeleyDB, either with GDBM from GNU
> >> GGV> Do I need to find ndbm ? I could not find it (platform debian)
> >> No
> >> It should compile against GDBM as well as against ndbm library
> >> Which error do you have ?
> GGV> checking for ndbm.h... no
> GGV> checking for gdbm/ndbm.h... no
> GGV> checking for gdbm-ndbm.h... no
> GGV> checking for dbm in default lib... no
> GGV> checking for dbm_open in -lndbm... no
> GGV> checking for dbm_open in -lgdbm... no
> GGV> configure: warning: FAILURE: rlm_dbm requires:  (ndbm.h or gdbm/ndbm.h or
> GGV> gdbm-ndbm.h) (libndbm or libgdm)
> GGV> configure: warning: silently not building rlm_dbm
> GGV> I've got gdbm in the /usr/local , so gdbm.h is in /usr/local/include , the
> GGV> libraries in the  /usr/local/lib , the /usr/local/lib is in the
> GGV> /etc/ld.so.conf
> GGV> But I really do not have the headers which configure is looking for
> GGV> gdbm-1.8.3 has been taken from gnu.org
> It seems the gdbm-1.8.3 does not support dbm any more
> you need to install dbm compatible package or wait when rlm_dbm will
> be extended to use gdbm library
dbm compatible package sounds good, will try to find out it about, have
not heard.... Interesting, thank you.
About wait until rlm_dbm will be extended - we are oriented on solaris as
a main radius, solaris has ndbm, but still it may be nice idea to use
BerkeleyDB.... If I do a changes to rlm_dbm I will do it for BerkeleyDB...
May be in 1 or 2 month I can start to implement it.
Thank you for the attention,
with regards,

Gregory G. V.
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

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