Microsoft left out that part of the protocol... users on a Mac will see
it, however you're pretty much out of luck with windows.


Bill Anderson said:
> Thanks a bunch.  That did it.  A second question.  Now that it works,
> it is supposed to send a reply message back to the user, however, the
> end user gets a 691 error, username and  password invalid.  Any way to
> change this behavior.  I tried it on both XP and NT.  Thanks.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kostas
>> Kalevras
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 2:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: Help Please - Monthly Time Limit
>> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Bill Anderson wrote:
>> > I am so close to getting the monthly time limit working and I
>> just need a
>> > little help.  I have looked through the archives and have found
>> things that
>> > have brought me this far, however, I believe I am close.  Does
>> anyone have
>> > any idea what I am doing wrong?  Basically what I would like to
>> do is have a
>> > user to be rejected if they reach their monthly time limit.  I
>> am not using
>> > SQL.  I have attached the following information:
>> >
>> > /etc/raddb/users
>> > radiusd debug session (radiusd -X)
>> > /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
>> >
>> > users file:
>> >
>> > mytestuser   Max-Monthly-Session := 30, Auth-Type := Local,
>> User-Password ==
>> > "somepass"
>> >                 Service-Type = Framed-User,
>> >                 Framed-Protocol = PPP,
>> >                 Framed-IP-Address =,
>> >                 Framed-IP-Netmask =,
>> >                 Framed-Routing = None,
>> >                 Framed-MTU = 1500,
>> >                 Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,
>> >                 Idle-Timeout = 900,
>> >                 Session-Timeout = 21600,
>> >                 Port-Limit = 1,
>> > DEFAULT         Max-Monthly-Session > 30, Auth-Type = Reject
>> >                 Reply-Message = "Max monthly hours achieved"
>> You don't need this check if you set Max-Monthly-Session
>> >
>> > Debug Session:
>> >
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] raddb]# radiusd -X
>> > Starting - reading configuration files ...
>> > Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
>> > Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
>> > rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=149,
>> length=182
>> >         User-Name = "mytestuser"
>> >         User-Password = "backd00r"
>> >         NAS-IP-Address =
>> >         NAS-Port = 136
>> >         Service-Type = Framed-User
>> >         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>> >         Ascend-Data-Rate = 21600
>> >         Ascend-Calling-Id-Type-Of-Num = Unknown
>> >         Ascend-Calling-Id-Number-Plan = Unknown
>> >         Ascend-Xmit-Rate = 49333
>> >         Called-Station-Id = "5032134042"
>> >         Calling-Station-Id = "5038850150"
>> >         Acct-Session-Id = "386694565"
>> >         NAS-Port-Type = Async
>> >         Ascend-NAS-Port-Format = 2_4_5_5
>> >         Proxy-State = 0x3533
>> > modcall: entering group authorize
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
>> > rlm_chap: Could not find proper Chap-Password attribute in request
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns notfound
>> > rlm_counter: Entering module authorize code
>> > rlm_counter: Could not find Check item value pair
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "counter" returns noop
>> >     rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "mytestuser", looking up realm
>> NULL rlm_realm: No such realm NULL
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop
>> >     users: Matched mytestuser at 1
>> >   modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
>> You have files after counter in your authorize section. Try
>> puting the counter
>> module after the files module
>> >            # encryption moderate
>> >            #       require_encryption = yes
>> >
>> >            # require_strong always requires 128 bit key
>> >            # encryption
>> >            #       require_strong = yes
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
>> >    #
>> >    #  This module definition allows you to use LDAP for
>> >    #  authorization and authentication (Auth-Type := LDAP)
>> >    #
>> >    #  See doc/rlm_ldap for description of configuration options
>> >    #  and sample authorize{} and authenticate{} blocks
>> >    ldap {
>> >            server = "ldap.your.domain"
>> >            # identity = "cn=admin,o=My Org,c=UA"
>> >            # password = mypass
>> >            basedn = "o=My Org,c=UA"
>> >            filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
>> >
>> >            # set this to 'yes' to use TLS encrypted connections
>> >            # to the LDAP database by using the StartTLS extended
>> >            # operation.
>> >            start_tls = no
>> >            # set this to 'yes' to use TLS encrypted connections to the
>> >            # LDAP database by passing the LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY option to
>> >            # the ldap library.
>> >            tls_mode = no
>> >
>> >            # default_profile = "cn=radprofile,ou=dialup,o=My Org,c=UA"
>> >            # profile_attribute = "radiusProfileDn"
>> >            access_attr = "dialupAccess"
>> >
>> >            # Mapping of RADIUS dictionary attributes to LDAP
>> >            # directory attributes.
>> >            dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
>> >
>> >            # ldap_cache_timeout = 120
>> >            # ldap_cache_size = 0
>> >            ldap_connections_number = 5
>> >            # password_header = "{clear}"
>> >            # password_attribute = userPassword
>> >            # groupname_attribute = cn
>> >            # groupmembership_filter =
>> >
>> "(|(&(objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=%{Ldap-UserDn}))(&(objectCl
>> ass=GroupO
>> > fUniqueNames)(uniquemember=%{Ldap-UserDn})))"
>> >            # groupmembership_attribute = radiusGroupName
>> >            timeout = 4
>> >            timelimit = 3
>> >            net_timeout = 1
>> >            # compare_check_items = yes
>> >            # access_attr_used_for_allow = yes
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # passwd module allows to do authorization via any passwd-like #
>> file and to extract any attributes from these modules
>> >    #
>> >    # parameters are:
>> >    #   filename - path to filename
>> >    #   format - format for filename record. This parameters
>> >    #            correlates record in the passwd file and RADIUS
>> >    #            attributes.
>> >    #
>> >    #            Field marked as '*' is key field. That is, the
>> parameter
>> >    #            with this name from the request is used to search for
>> #            the record from passwd file
>> >    #
>> >    #            Field marked as ',' may contain a comma separated
>> list #            of attributes.
>> >    #   authtype - if record found this Auth-Type is used to
>> authenticate
>> >    #            user
>> >    #   hashsize - hashtable size. If 0 or not specified records are
>> not #            stored in memory and file is red on every
>> request. #   allowmultiplekeys - if few records for every key are
>> allowed #   ignorenislike - ignore NIS-related records
>> >    #   delimiter - symbol to use as a field separator in passwd file,
>> #            for format ':' symbol is always used. '\0', '\n' are
>> >         #       not allowed
>> >    #
>> >    #passwd etc_smbpasswd {
>> >    #       filename = /etc/smbpasswd
>> >    #       format =
>> "*User-Name::LM-Password:NT-Password:SMB-Account-CTRL-TEXT::"
>> >    #       authtype = MS-CHAP
>> >    #       hashsize = 100
>> >    #       ignorenislike = no
>> >    #       allowmultiplekeys = no
>> >    #}
>> >
>> >    #  Similar configuration, for the /etc/group file. Adds a
>> Group-Name #  attribute for every group that the user is member
>> of.
>> >    #
>> >    #passwd etc_group {
>> >    #       filename = /etc/group
>> >    #       format = "Group-Name:::*,User-Name"
>> >    #       hashsize = 50
>> >    #       ignorenislike = yes
>> >    #       allowmultiplekeys = yes
>> >    #       delimiter = ":"
>> >    #}
>> >
>> >    # Realm module, for proxying.
>> >    #
>> >    #  You can have multiple instances of the realm module to
>> >    #  support multiple realm syntaxs at the same time.  The
>> >    #  search order is defined the order in the authorize and
>> >    #  preacct blocks after the module config block.
>> >    #
>> >    #  Two config options:
>> >    #       format     -  must be 'prefix' or 'suffix'
>> >    #       delimiter  -  must be a single character
>> >
>> >    #  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>> >    #
>> >    realm suffix {
>> >            format = suffix
>> >            delimiter = "@"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #  'realm/username'
>> >    #
>> >    #  Using this entry, IPASS users have their realm set to "IPASS".
>> realm realmslash {
>> >            format = prefix
>> >            delimiter = "/"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #  'username%realm'
>> >    #
>> >    realm realmpercent {
>> >            format = suffix
>> >            delimiter = "%"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #  rewrite arbitrary packets.  Useful in accounting and
>> authorization.
>> >    #
>> >    ## This module is highly experimental at the moment.  Please give
>> ## feedback to the mailing list.
>> >    #
>> >    #  The module can also use the Rewrite-Rule attribute. If it
>> >    #  is set and matches the name of the module instance, then
>> >    #  that module instance will be the only one which runs.
>> >    #
>> >    #  Also if new_attribute is set to yes then a new attribute
>> >    #  will be created containing the value replacewith and it
>> >    #  will be added to searchin (packet, reply or config).
>> >    # searchfor,ignore_case and max_matches will be ignored in
>> that case.
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #attr_rewrite sanecallerid {
>> >    #       attribute = Called-Station-Id
>> >            # may be "packet", "reply", or "config"
>> >    #       searchin = packet
>> >    #       searchfor = "[+ ]"
>> >    #       replacewith = ""
>> >    #       ignore_case = no
>> >    #       new_attribute = no
>> >    #       max_matches = 10
>> >    #       ## If set to yes then the replace string will be
>> appended to the original
>> > string
>> >    #       append = no
>> >    #}
>> >
>> >    # Preprocess the incoming RADIUS request, before handing it off #
>> to other modules.
>> >    #
>> >    #  This module processes the 'huntgroups' and 'hints' files.
>> >    #  In addition, it re-writes some weird attributes created
>> >    #  by some NASes, and converts the attributes into a form which #
>> is a little more standard.
>> >    #
>> >    preprocess {
>> >            huntgroups = ${confdir}/huntgroups
>> >            hints = ${confdir}/hints
>> >
>> >            # This hack changes Ascend's wierd port numberings
>> >            # to standard 0-??? port numbers so that the "+" works
>> >            # for IP address assignments.
>> >            with_ascend_hack = no
>> >            ascend_channels_per_line = 23
>> >
>> >            # Windows NT machines often authenticate themselves as
>> >            # NT_DOMAIN\username
>> >            #
>> >            # If this is set to 'yes', then the NT_DOMAIN portion
>> >            # of the user-name is silently discarded.
>> >            with_ntdomain_hack = no
>> >
>> >            # Specialix Jetstream 8500 24 port access server.
>> >            #
>> >            # If the user name is 10 characters or longer, a "/"
>> >            # and the excess characters after the 10th are
>> >            # appended to the user name.
>> >            #
>> >            # If you're not running that NAS, you don't need
>> >            # this hack.
>> >            with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
>> >
>> >            # Cisco sends it's VSA attributes with the attribute
>> >            # name *again* in the string, like:
>> >            #
>> >            #   H323-Attribute = "h323-attribute=value".
>> >            #
>> >            # If this configuration item is set to 'yes', then
>> >            # the redundant data in the the attribute text is stripped
>> >            # out.  The result is:
>> >            #
>> >            #  H323-Attribute = "value"
>> >            #
>> >            # If you're not running a Cisco NAS, you don't need
>> >            # this hack.
>> >            with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # Livingston-style 'users' file
>> >    #
>> >    files {
>> >            usersfile = ${confdir}/users
>> >            acctusersfile = ${confdir}/acct_users
>> >
>> >            #  If you want to use the old Cistron 'users' file
>> >            #  with FreeRADIUS, you should change the next line
>> >            #  to 'compat = cistron'.  You can the copy your 'users'
>> >            #  file from Cistron.
>> >            compat = no
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # Write a detailed log of all accounting records received.
>> >    #
>> >    detail {
>> >            #  Note that we do NOT use NAS-IP-Address here, as
>> >            #  that attribute MAY BE from the originating NAS, and
>> >            #  NOT from the proxy which actually sent us the
>> >            #  request.  The Client-IP-Address attribute is ALWAYS
>> >            #  the address of the client which sent us the
>> >            #  request.
>> >            #
>> >            #  The following line creates a new detail file for
>> >            #  every radius client (by IP address or hostname).
>> >            #  In addition, a new detail file is created every
>> >            #  day, so that the detail file doesn't have to go
>> >            #  through a 'log rotation'
>> >            #
>> >            #  If your detail files are large, you may also want
>> >            #  to add a ':%H' (see doc/variables.txt) to the end
>> >            #  of it, to create a new detail file every hour, e.g.:
>> >            #
>> >            #   ..../detail-%Y%m%d:%H
>> >            #
>> >            #  This will create a new detail file for every hour.
>> >            #
>> >            detailfile =
>> ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d
>> >
>> >            #
>> >            #  The Unix-style permissions on the 'detail' file.
>> >            #
>> >            #  The detail file often contains secret or private
>> >            #  information about users.  So by keeping the file
>> >            #  permissions restrictive, we can prevent unwanted
>> >            #  people from seeing that information.
>> >            detailperm = 0600
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # Create a unique accounting session Id.  Many NASes re-use or #
>> repeat values for Acct-Session-Id, causing no end of
>> >    # confusion.
>> >    #
>> >    #  This module will add a (probably) unique session id
>> >    #  to an accounting packet based on the attributes listed
>> >    #  below found in the packet.  See doc/rlm_acct_unique for
>> >    #  more information.
>> >    #
>> >    acct_unique {
>> >            key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address,
>> Client-IP-Address,
>> > NAS-Port-Id"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >
>> >    # Include another file that has the SQL-related configuration. #
>> This is another file solely because it tends to be big.
>> >    #
>> >    #  The following configuration file is for use with MySQL.
>> >    #
>> >    # For Postgresql, use:          ${confdir}/postgresql.conf
>> >    # For MS-SQL, use:              ${confdir}/mssql.conf
>> >    #
>> >    $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf
>> >
>> >    # Write a 'utmp' style log file, of which users are currently #
>> logged in, and where they've logged in from.
>> >    #
>> >    radutmp {
>> >            filename = ${logdir}/radutmp
>> >
>> >            # Set the file permissions, as the contents of this file
>> >            # are usually private.
>> >            perm = 0600
>> >
>> >            callerid = "yes"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # "Safe" radutmp - does not contain caller ID, so it can be
>> >    # world-readable, and radwho can work for normal users, without #
>> exposing any information that isn't already exposed by who(1). #
>> >    # This is another instance of the radutmp module, but it is given
>> # then name "sradutmp" to identify it later in the "accounting" #
>> section.
>> >    radutmp sradutmp {
>> >            filename = ${logdir}/sradutmp
>> >            perm = 0644
>> >            callerid = "no"
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # attr_filter - filters the attributes received in replies from #
>> proxied servers, to make sure we send back to our RADIUS client #
>> only allowed attributes.
>> >    attr_filter {
>> >            attrsfile = ${confdir}/attrs
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #  This module takes an attribute (count-attribute).
>> >    #  It also takes a key, and creates a counter for each unique #
>> key.  The count is incremented when accounting packets are #
>> received by the server.  The value of the increment depends #  on
>> the attribute type.
>> >    #  If the attribute is Acct-Session-Time or an integer we add the
>> #  value of the attribute. If it is anything else we increase the
>> #  counter by one.
>> >    #
>> >    #  The 'reset' parameter defines when the counters are all reset
>> to #  zero.  It can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or never.
>> >    #  It can also be user defined. It should be of the form:
>> >    #  num[hdwm] where:
>> >    #  h: hours, d: days, w: weeks, m: months
>> >    #  If the letter is ommited days will be assumed. In example: #
>> reset = 10h (reset every 10 hours)
>> >    #  reset = 12  (reset every 12 days)
>> >    #
>> >    #
>> >    #  The check-name attribute defines an attribute which will be #
>> registered by the counter module and can be used to set the #
>> maximum allowed value for the counter after which the user #  is
>> rejected.
>> >    #  Something like:
>> >    #
>> >    #  DEFAULT Max-Daily-Session := 36000
>> >    #          Fall-Through = 1
>> >    #
>> >    #  You should add the counter module in the instantiate
>> >    #  section so that it registers check-name before the files
>> >    #  module reads the users file.
>> >    #
>> >    #  If check-name is set and the user is to be rejected then we #
>> send back a Reply-Message and we log a Failure-Message in
>> >    #  the radius.log
>> >    #
>> >    #  The counter-name can also be used like below:
>> >    #
>> >    #  DEFAULT  Daily-Session-Time > 3600, Auth-Type = Reject
>> >    #      Reply-Message = "You've used up more than one hour today" #
>> >    #  The allowed-servicetype attribute can be used to only take #
>> into account specific sessions. For example if a user first #
>> logs in through a login menu and then selects ppp there will #  be
>> two sessions. One for Login-User and one for Framed-User #
>> service type. We only need to take into account the second one. #
>> >    #  The module should be added in the instantiate, authorize and #
>> accounting sections.  Make sure that in the authorize
>> >    #  section it comes after any module which sets the
>> >    #  'check-name' attribute.
>> >    #
>> > #  counter {
>> > #          filename = ${raddbdir}/db.counter
>> > #          key = User-Name
>> > #          count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
>> > #          reset = daily
>> > #          counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
>> > #          check-name = Max-Daily-Session
>> > #          allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
>> > #          cache-size = 5000
>> > #  }
>> >
>> >    counter {
>> >            filename = ${raddbdir}/db.counter
>> >            key = User-Name
>> >            count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
>> >            reset = monthly
>> >            counter-name = Monthly-Session-Time
>> >            check-name = Max-Monthly-Session
>> >            allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
>> >            cache-size = 5000
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # The "always" module is here for debugging purposes. Each
>> >    # instance simply returns the same result, always, without
>> >    # doing anything.
>> >    always fail {
>> >            rcode = fail
>> >    }
>> >    always reject {
>> >            rcode = reject
>> >    }
>> >    always ok {
>> >            rcode = ok
>> >            simulcount = 0
>> >            mpp = no
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  The 'expression' module current has no configuration.
>> >    expr {
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    # ANSI X9.9 token support.  Not included by default.
>> >    # $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/x99.conf
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > # Instantiation
>> > #
>> > #  This section orders the loading of the modules.  Modules
>> > #  listed here will get loaded BEFORE the later sections like
>> > #  authorize, authenticate, etc. get examined.
>> > #
>> > #  This section is not strictly needed.  When a section like
>> > #  authorize refers to a module, it's automatically loaded and #
>> initialized.  However, some modules may not be listed in any #  of
>> the following sections, so they can be listed here.
>> > #
>> > #  Also, listing modules here ensures that you have control over #
>> the order in which they are initalized.  If one module needs #
>> something defined by another module, you can list them in order #
>> here, and ensure that the configuration will be OK.
>> > #
>> > instantiate {
>> >    #
>> >    #  The expression module doesn't do authorization,
>> >    #  authentication, or accounting.  It only does dynamic
>> >    #  translation, of the form:
>> >    #
>> >    #       Session-Timeout = `%{expr:2 + 3}`
>> >    #
>> >    #  So the module needs to be instantiated, but CANNOT be
>> >    #  listed in any other section.  See 'doc/rlm_expr' for
>> >    #  more information.
>> >    #
>> >    expr
>> > }
>> >
>> > #  Authorization. First preprocess (hints and huntgroups files), #
>> then realms, and finally look in the "users" file.
>> > #
>> > #  The order of the realm modules will determine the order that #
>> we try to find a matching realm.
>> > #
>> > #  Make *sure* that 'preprocess' comes before any realm if you #
>> need to setup hints for the remote radius server
>> > authorize {
>> >    #
>> >    #  The preprocess module takes care of sanitizing some bizarre #
>> attributes in the request, and turning them into attributes #
>> which are more standard.
>> >    #
>> >    #  It takes care of processing the 'raddb/hints' and the
>> >    #  'raddb/huntgroups' files.
>> >    #
>> >    #  It also adds a Client-IP-Address attribute to the request.
>> preprocess
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  The chap module will set 'Auth-Type := CHAP' if we are
>> >    #  handling a CHAP request and Auth-Type has not already been set
>> chap
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  If the users are logging in with an MS-CHAP-Challenge
>> >    #  attribute for authentication, the mschap module will find
>> >    #  the MS-CHAP-Challenge attribute, and add 'Auth-Type := MS-CHAP'
>> #  to the request, which will cause the server to then use
>> >    #  the mschap module for authentication.
>> >    mschap
>> >
>> >    counter
>> > #  attr_filter
>> > #  eap
>> >    suffix
>> >    files
>> > #  etc_smbpasswd
>> >
>> >
>> > # The ldap module will set Auth-Type to LDAP if it has not
>> already been set
>> > #  ldap
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > # Authentication.
>> > #
>> > #  This section lists which modules are available for
>> authentication. #  Note that it does NOT mean 'try each module in
>> order'.  It means #  that you have to have a module from the
>> 'authorize' section add #  a configuration attribute 'Auth-Type :=
>> FOO'.  That
>> authentication type
>> > #  is then used to pick the apropriate module from the list below.
>> #
>> > #  The default Auth-Type is Local.  That is, whatever is not
>> included inside
>> > # an authtype section will be called only if Auth-Type is set to
>> Local. #
>> > # So you should do the following:
>> > # - Set Auth-Type to an appropriate value in the authorize
>> modules above.
>> > #   For example, the chap module will set Auth-Type to CHAP,
>> ldap to LDAP,
>> > etc.
>> > # - After that create corresponding authtype sections in the
>> > #   authenticate section below and call the appropriate modules.
>> authenticate {
>> >    #
>> >    #  PAP authentication, when a back-end database listed
>> >    #  in the 'authorize' section supplies a password.  The
>> >    #  password can be clear-text, or encrypted.
>> >    authtype PAP {
>> >            pap
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  Most people want CHAP authentication
>> >    #  A back-end database listed in the 'authorize' section
>> >    #  MUST supply a CLEAR TEXT password.  Encrypted passwords
>> >    #  won't work.
>> >    authtype CHAP {
>> >            chap
>> >    }
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  MSCHAP authentication.
>> >    authtype MS-CHAP {
>> >            mschap
>> >    }
>> >
>> > #  pam
>> >
>> >    #
>> >    #  See 'man getpwent' for information on how the 'unix'
>> >    #  module checks the users password.  Note that packets
>> >    #  containing CHAP-Password attributes CANNOT be authenticated #
>> against /etc/passwd!  See the FAQ for details.
>> >    #
>> >    unix
>> >
>> >    # Uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
>> > #  authtype LDAP {
>> > #          ldap
>> > #  }
>> >
>> >
>> > #  eap
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > #  Pre-accounting. Look for proxy realm in order of realms, then #
>> acct_users file, then preprocess (hints file).
>> > preacct {
>> >    preprocess
>> >    suffix
>> >    files
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > #  Accounting. Log to detail file, and to the radwtmp file, and
>> maintain #  radutmp.
>> > accounting {
>> >    acct_unique
>> >    detail
>> >    counter
>> >    unix            # wtmp file
>> >    radutmp
>> > #  sradutmp
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > #  Session database, used for checking Simultaneous-Use. Either
>> the radutmp
>> > #  or rlm_sql module can handle this.
>> > #  The rlm_sql module is *much* faster
>> > session {
>> >    radutmp
>> > #  sql
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > #  Post-Authentication
>> > #  Once we KNOW that the user has been authenticated, there are #
>> additional steps we can take.
>> > post-auth {
>> >      #  Get an address from the IP Pool.
>> >      #main_pool
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > -
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> --
> Kostas Kalevras               Network Operations Center
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     National Technical University of Athens, Greece Work
> Phone:                +30 210 7721861
> 'Go back to the shadow'       Gandalf
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
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