> Hello All
> Sorry about the giberish mail I sent before.I don't know why that happened Hope this 
> one will be ok.
> Our service provider tried to move our dialup  to new LNS(from Cisco to 3com)
> But when our customers tried to access us  after dial up has cut over to
different LNS,
> dial users are getting access reject instead of the standard access accept to
their authentication requests
> After latest cut over attempt.our provider send me a  log. 
> But since I am new to radius,I don't know what to do.
> Because  a guy who set up the radius suddenly left the company.And he didn't
leave any documentation.
> We use radius and mysql for AAA.
> I am wondering is this problem happens because of 3com forward different
attributes than  Cisco one?
> ### Proxy action of an accepted request ###
> Relaying access request with id 177 (now 726) from c0a8fb4b
(ipa1-r28-0.ipnet.telecom.co.nz) to 
>     Proxy-Action = "AUTHENTICATE" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     NAS-IP-Address = [flags = 0x00014500]
>     NAS-Port = 136 [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Cisco-NAS-Port = "Virtual-Access136" [flags = 0x00014400]
>     NAS-Port-Type = Virtual [flags = 0x00014500]
>     User-Name = "jjcharisma" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Called-Station-Id = "0870907500" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Calling-Station-Id = "78399400" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Service-Type = Framed [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     Framed-Protocol = PPP [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     User-Id = "jjcharisma" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     NAS-Identifier = "" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     User-Realm = "ipa1-n20-9e2" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     Proxy-State = "0" [flags = 0x00014000]
> rad_2rad_recv: received reply accept to RADIUS request 726/214
>     Framed-Protocol = PPP [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     Service-Type = Framed [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     Idle-Timeout = 1800 [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     Proxy-State = "0" [flags = 0x00014000]
> ####  Proxy action of a rejected request
> Relaying access request with id 196 (now 43592) from c0a80728
> t.telecom.co.nz) 
>     Proxy-Action = "AUTHENTICATE" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     User-Name = "jjcharisma" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     NAS-IP-Address = [flags = 0x00014500]
>     NAS-Identifier = "" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     NAS-Port = 961 [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Acct-Session-Id = "33884695" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     USR-Interface-Index = 827 [flags = 0x00014600]
>     USR-NAS-Supports-Tags = 0 [flags = 0x00004600]
>     Service-Type = Framed [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     Framed-Protocol = PPP [flags = 0x00014A00]
>     USR-Chassis-Call-Slot = 26 [flags = 0x00014400]
>     USR-Chassis-Call-Span = 1 [flags = 0x00014400]
>     USR-Chassis-Call-Channel = 1074 [flags = 0x00014400]
>     USR-Connect-Speed = NONE [flags = 0x00014400]
>     Calling-Station-Id = "98130199" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     Called-Station-Id = "0870907500" [flags = 0x00014500]
>     NAS-Port-Type = Async [flags = 0x00014500]
>     User-Id = "jjcharisma" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     User-Realm = "ipa1-n20-9e2" [flags = 0x00010400]
>     Proxy-State = "0" [flags = 0x00014000]
> rad_2rad_recv: received reply reject to RADIUS request 43592/72
>     Proxy-State = "0" [flags = 0x00014000]
> Accepted message was given by Cisco and Rejected message was given by 3Com .
> I am really confused why this is happening.As far as I know ,only ID and
password are checked for authentication.
> Thanks in advance
> Simon
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