Hi folks,

I'm using freeradius-snapshot-20030310
with rlm_perl feature.

I want to re-write (modify) values in RAD_REQUEST 
in 'authorize' phase by some reason.
In my case here, that is 'User-Name'
and I want to let other modules (like rlm_realm, rlm_pap/chap)
process 're-writed' User-Name.

In src/modules/rlm_perl/rlm_perl.c functiuon "rlmperl_call"
I added 
> PERL_SET_CONTEXT(my_perl);
> if ((get_hv_content(inst->rad_check_hv, &vp)) == 1 ) {
>         pairmove(&request->packet->vps, &vp);
>         pairfree(&vp);
> }
at the bottom of it (though before return of course),
but it seems not suffice at all. (Erk, sorry for such dummy guess).

3 questions:-
 1. How I modify rlm_perl.c to have it allow me to 
    modify RAD_REQUEST?

 2. 'experimental.conf' perl module config part says
    > #  Only the %RAD_REPLY hash can be modified.
    > #  All of the other are read only.
    But, I can modify att/value pair for %RAD_CHECK 
    on this version, (and that works for me ;-)).
    Could I understand the status 
    that '%RAD_CHECK' can be also modified (not %RAD_REPLY only) 
    is 'correct'?

 3. Could it be considerable to modify the rlm_perl module
    in the freeradius distribution
    to allow users to modify RAD_REQUEST, RAD_CHECK and RAD_REPLY
    all in next (or whenever appropriate) version?
    It might be helpful when pre-proxy, post-proxy are implemented 
    in this module as well, no?

Any comments are welcome.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards, 

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