halmi yasin wrote:
1. what is mod_auth_radius for, actually? is it similar to the dial in
authentication wher the clients are given access to the networks
resource (eg. internet access, etc.) or simply just access to protected
web pages?
The mod_auth_radius is mainly an HTTP Auth module for local authentication for the Web pages only, not for the network access state. You could extend it for your purpose if you so want to integrate that with a firewall rule un-blocking.

2. my office network runs on wi-fi. whut i WANT is, to access my network
and other resources, my users HAVE TO login via a web login page where
RADIUS is the authencation server. i.e. use a web login page as their
login method, instead of using some other application clients. once they
are authenticated, they will assigned dynamic IPs to enable them to
access the network. i know this can be done, so can anyone please
explain to me about this? or does mod_auth_radius do this?
The best bet is to look for the NoCat Auth module from http://nocat.net/ The last time I checked, they had a module using RADIUS as the DB for passwords etc.
Your IP allocation would happen before the authentication though. The basic method used for preventing access there is a firewall based marking of packets. Might fit in your needs.

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikhil Goel [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- If a fool persists in his folly he shall become wise. -- William Blake ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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