Does anybody know of a way to get FreeRadius to handle either crypt OR
clear text encryption schemes for the "pap" module?

For example in radiusd.conf:

pap {
        encryption_scheme = clear
        encryption_scheme = crypt

We have some passwords stored in the LDAP password attribute as clear
text (to handle CHAP requests!!!) or they have a value like
"{crypt}GHSN<*&SJJD" (previous migration from old UNIX passwords).
Navis Radius currently looks at the preceding text tokens "{crypt}",
"{plain}", or "{SHA}".  For example the LDAP attribute "unixpassword"
might contain:

unixpassword: {SHA}HDSUYD&#*&$*#$   (WEUDJI (Secure Hash Algorithym)
unixpassword: {crypt}HDSUYD&#*&$*   (UNIX crypt)
unixpassword: mypassword            (plain text)

Pat McShane - ICDC.COM

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