Hello everybody, I just joined the mailing list today :)

Yesterday I downloaded freeradius 0.8.1 and configured it with no problem, I currently use SQL as authentication mechanism.

My only question is: is there a way to execute more than one query for each event (start,stop,interim,on,off) ?

Unfortunatly I use mySQL which doesn't support user defined functions (at least without recompiling mysql) and the authentication scheme is complicated enough to need more than one query :)

I hacked the source and added a "accounting_prestart_query", and it was working, but then i noticed that by adding that field in the memory structs something was messed up and the following variables data was kinda shuffled.. before getting myself into the code i thought i would ask around if anybody had a better way to do it :)

Right now I have the additional queries "built-in" the source, but that's such a nasty solution :)

Any help, idea or suggestion is really appreciated


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