
Here is my problem :

if an user in LDAP have many passwords 
    (example : Jean Marie DUPOND 
                passwordCISCO : toto
                passwordVPN : titi)
    can I indicate to Radius to take a specific password when Radius do
a LDAP's request
    Example :   if DUPOND want authenticate to a CISCO router, Radius
must be use the attribute containing passwordCISCO

                      if he want authenticate to a VPN, Radius must be
use the the attribute containing passwordVPN

I tried the directive in radiusd.conf : attribute_password  in ldap
module to specify another attribute instead of attribute userPassword
        Example : attribute_password = "cn"
        But if I want authenticate an user, I receive an ACCESS-REJECT

An idea ??  

Here is an answer that I have received :

>You can not do what you want to do.  The password is the password.  You
can not have multiple  passwords un the customer record it just doesn't
work >like that.  If you are looking to have multiple passwords or be
able to authenticate to a different device with a different password
then you are >going to need a new entry in LDAP under a different tree
and an entirely different radius server to query it.

It's wrong or right ?


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