On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 12:25:35PM -0600, Miranda Gomez Miguel Angel wrote:
> Hi People.
> Im running freeradius 0.8.1 with accounting and userinfo in a postgres 7.3
> database, i want to use the exec-program-wait function, i have configured
> the radgroupreply table with the following information
> radius=# select * from radgroupreply;
>  id | groupname |     attribute     | op |              value               
> ----+-----------+-------------------+----+----------------------------------
>   2 | prepago   | Exec-Program-Wait | =  | /usr/local/bin/calcula_tiempo.pl
> (1 row)
> All seems to work ok, but im having this message when running in debug mode:
> rlm_sql: The 'op' field for attribute 'Exec-Program-Wait =
> /usr/local/bin/calcula_tiempo.pl' is NULL, or non-existent.
> rlm_sql: You MUST FIX THIS if you want the configuration to behave as you
> expect.

It means that your query does not return the "op" field.

Fduch M. Pravking

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