From aaa.txt in the FreeRADIUS docs directory:

"If none of database record for this User-Name matches in check attributes with request items authorization will fail.....The check list may be required if we need to authenticate users with same name
for different services (for example to treat User1 from NAS1 and User1 from NAS2 as different users)."

Okay, so let's say that I have two completely different profiles, but they have the same User-Name.

(This is not a situation that I would have thought crops up very often, but I'm reading some Cisco SSG documentation and from what I can tell, you can have regular user profiles, but also user "quota" profiles which are accessed with the same User-Name but which returns different attributes in the Access-Accept)

Let's say you distinguish between the two different profiles in the Access-Request by the presence of one attribute, i.e. if a certain attribute is there, you want one profile; if the attribute isn't there, you want the other profile.

How would one do this sort of thing in FreeRADIUS?

Within an sql module definition block, is there anyway to check if a certain attribute exists in the Access-Request and, depending on the result, chose which SQL state to execute for the check/reply attributes?



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