First, the names in the DB are all case sensitive. They are 'UserName', 'Attribute', 'op', and 'Value'. 
Not 'username', 'attribute', 'op', and 'value'.
Second, name of password field is either 'User-Password', which is the standard attribute defined in
the RFC, or 'Crypt-Password' a server side attribute. Look for these names in the 'dictionary' file.
'User-Password' is plain text and 'Crypt-Password' contains encrypted password.  The
encryption method used is the 'crypt' function in Linux.  See the 'cryptpasswd'  Perl script
under the scripts subdirectory.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Salvin Kumar
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 7:59 PM
Subject: Authentication with user-password

I am able to authenticate users from the database with the use of  the password. And this is how my radcheck table looks:
radius=# SELECT * from radcheck;
 id | username | attribute | op | value
  3 | trial    | password  | == | test
  1 | joe      | password  | == | eoj
  2 | salvin   | password  | == | sal
(3 rows)
Now I want to authenticate a user without the password.
How is that possible.

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