Alan DeKok writes:
> "Vic Abell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >   *last = t;
> > >   last = &t->next
> > 
> > If t == NULL, won't &t->next attempt to de-reference a
> > NULL pointer?
>   Yes, but I didn't show all of the code I commited.
>   Check the CVS version of files.c
> > Isn't last (currently) supposed to point to the end
> > of the chain whose head is contained in pl?
>   Yes, it does, by design.  'last = &pl' means that it points to the
> "end" of the chain, when 'pl == NULL'
>   When it's updated, and one new entry is added, we do:
>   *last = new_entry
>   last = &(new_entry->next)
>   And we never need to touch 'pl' again.
> >  I thought last was used to help extend pl's chain.  I don't see how
> > the chain whose pointer is returned in t is linked to the end of
> > pl's chain via last->next.
>   Because it never looks at 'last->next'.  last is a ptr to a ptr, not
> a ptr.
> > Perhaps I'm not seeing the full context of your change.
>   Go read the code.
>   Alan DeKok.

Unfortunately it's not possible for me to read the code,
because the CVS web interface at:

returns "Internal Server Error."

Is there another method to access the CVS archives?

Vic Abell

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