did you realize these?
                        # uncomment this if you use the standard
                        # prefixes
                        #$user =~ s/^[PSC]//;
                        #$user =~ s/\.(ppp|slip|cslip)$//;
you can perhaps put
right after these and you should see all the users in the nas
from the output also you might figure out what is wrong
dont put it inside the if clause though :)
well you can let us know what you get?
what does the output of
list connections
command look like?

Ray wrote:

On Wednesday 06 August 2003 22:13, you wrote:

for one thing, download latest release 0.9 something and try the
checkrad which comes inside...
then did you set etc/clients.conf and etc/naspasswd ? what did you set ?
the important thing is nastype login and password ...
what kind of nas do you have? etc. if you use snmp, did you try to see
manually if you can connect to nas? do you have ucd snmp...
and blah blah, and if you use telnet is Net::Telnet installed? perl

etc/clients.conf and etc/naspassword are setup, but since i'm only calling checkrad manually at this point, only the naspassword file has any affect.
i was getting an error about bad password before setting up naspassword, but the error message and documentation already got me past that problem.

nas: i'm told it is USR/Total Control, but when i manually telnet into it and mimic the commands of the tc module, it doesn't do what it should. but the commands in the module for netserver are correct, so i'm using that.
as for Net::Telnet, it is installed (3.02)
snmp isn't being used since i'm not using a nas that checkrad needs snmp for, i'm not sure which version of snmp i have, but it doesn't seem like that would matter in this case where the modules are using telnet to check the nas.

Ray wrote:

trying to setup Simultaneous-Use and it is working so far, but i haven't
succesfully setup checkrad with it.

using freeRadius 0.8.1

checkrad -d netserver xx.xx.xx.4 366 user 22544538
and it keeps outputting
Returning 0 (login ok)
even when the user is on.

i'm using MySQL for accounting and using
NASIPAddress NASPortId UserName AcctSessionId
from radacct for the paramaters to test checkrad

what should i check or change to get that working?

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