Radius is now running with EAP/TLS (thanks for the great help for it).
But now a few last questions. We are using Enterasys Access Points and
they also offer the possibility to assign clients to vlans dynamically.
I have searched a lot but found no information about it (for example
which attribute to use). Has someone experience with this kind of

Is it possible to disengage a certificate from users so that the radius
server will not accept it any more. One possible solution of disabling
an account is to set Auth-Type to Reject but an other user can still use
the certificate so I don`t like it really.

Our Access Point also support EAP-TTLS. Will freeradius support this in

And a last question! We are a school with about 2000 pupils. Has someone
experience with the distribution of certificates and what you should
care about it? The problem is we are using openssl to build our
certificates. So we have to program something to make it easy for our
students to request acertificate. Are there any existing products?


TGM - Die Schule der Technik
IT - Service
A - 1200 Wien, Wexstr. 19-23
Tel. +43(1)33126/316 Fax: +43(1)33126/154

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