On Wed August 6 2003 14:21, Truong Manh Cuong wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use PostgresSQL and I have problem with database:
> freeradius dies when user connects to server so I must change
> radacct::AcctStart/StopTime : datetime -> TIMESTAMP with time zone
> in Dialup_admin::user_finger.php3
> SELECT ... WHERE AcctStopTime = '0'
> And error report: query-error. AcctStopTime is NULL in database, not = 0. I
> don't know how to correct it.
> So at page online user page,  I can't show online user with
> SELECT ... WHERE AcctStopTime = '0'

Hi Truong

I was the one who commited the changes in the default way that data is stored 
in Postgres. The changes regarding NULLs were discussed on the devel list but 
I guess whoever looks after dialup admin was not watching :-)

We will discuss and get back to you.


Peter Nixon
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