On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Degrande_Samuel wrote:

> Hello...
> I always have a memory leak problem (I use one of the last snapshot,
> on Sparc Solaris 9).
> I tried to track it and found the memory leak to be IN the solaris
> pam modules. After some talks with other people, it seems that
> every pam implementation (Solaris, Linux...) suffers from memory leak,
> and everybody tell to use a forked process to proceed the pam
> authentication. What do you think of that ? I could propose you
> a rlm_pam module which fork a new child every <given_number>
> authentication request.

You could just set max_requests_per_server to a reasonable number...

> By the way, I think that there is an 'array index out of bound' bug
> in src/modules.c :
> /*
>  *    Allow old names, too.
>  */
> if (!next) {
>   next = cf_subsection_find_next(cs, sub,
>                             old_section_type_value[comp].typename);
> }
> This supposes that old_section_type_value has the same length than
> section_type_value (well, beeing at least as long). But
> old_section_type_value is shorter, so 'comp' goes out of bound, right ?
> Regards.
> --
> Samuel Degrande           LIFL - UMR 8022 CNRS - Bat M3
> Phone: (33)  USTL - Universite de Lille 1
> -
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