Two questions...

1) I want to check that users are allowed access to NASs based on where the NAS is located (We are a WISP providing access at several apartment complexes)

my huntgroups file looks like...

# Apartment complex 1

PB            NAS-IP-Address ==
PB            NAS-IP-Address ==
PB            NAS-IP-Address ==
PB            NAS-IP-Address ==

# Apartment complex 2
AA            NAS-IP-Address ==
AA            NAS-IP-Address ==

that, along with more of the same.

so, users at apartment complex 1 are assigned to a group, and that group is allowed to connect to Access Points at Apartment Complex 1, but not at Apartment Complex 2

Simmalar thing for Apartment Complex 2

If possible, out testing exipment will be in yet another group allowed to connect to either Apartment Complex 1 or 2

(hope this makes sense...)

Acording to the huntgroups file, I would use Huntgroup-Name == name, which I thought should go in my radgroupreply table, and when I tried it it did not work (Access was allowed universaly)

Any thoughts? What am I doing wrong?

2) How do I go about setting up concunrcy checking, so that people cannot clone MAC addresses?

I'm also a little woried about users roaming or not cleanly disconnecting and getting rejected because it looks like they are connected twice.

Ryan Castellucci
(530) 757-4686 x22
SoliSys LLC -

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