Fastbyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have problem with implementing of EAP/TTLS on freeradius, i have setup 
> auth in EAP/TTLS to EAP/MD5 and this is my error:
>  >> rlm_eap: No such EAP type 4

  It looks like you don't have the 'md5' sub-module configured inside
of the 'eap' module.  Either you've deleted it, or you've re-ordered
the list of sub-modules.

> looking at the source i have seen that the problem is in following lines:
> #eap.c
>       if ((default_eap_type < PW_EAP_MD5) ||
>           (default_eap_type > PW_EAP_MAX_TYPES) ||
>           (inst->types[default_eap_type] == NULL)) {
> looking at eap.h have seen that PW_EAP_MD5 value is 4.

  Well.. The value of PW_EAP_MD5 is NOT less than PW_EAP_MD5, and it's
not MORE than the valur of PW_EAP_MAX_TYPES, so by the process of
elimination, it means that the last test is the one which is failing.

  Include a configuration entry for 'md5', just like the default
'radiusd.conf'.  List 'ttls' after 'md5', just like the default

  Alan DeKok.

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