No problem - figuring out how to do that is one of my prouder accomplishments with Freeradius. :) I run Linux, so I havent heard of ntradpad, but I'll keep my eyes open. You can start sending EAP-Messages this way to learn how the tools work, but you'll soon see that Freeradius rejects any response with a State that doesnt match the one it sent in the preceding challenge. A little hacking around in a debugger will show you what you need to patch. The example I sent earlier didnt have a State attribute in the input file. To add one for other messages, just add "State=state1" (or whatever value you want) to the attribute list. The state attribute is described in RFC 2865, and EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator are in RFC 2869.

Good luck,

claufer writes:

Hey Dave,
thanks a lot! nice thing... worked fine for me so far .
There=B4s tool called ntradpad(winnt), you can change the request type to=
send EAP messages with, but i didn=B4t tried it out now. I couldn=B4t rea=
follow suit when it came to the point that RADIUS changes state=20
attribute, cause i don=B4t know exactly what the RADIUS state attributes=20
are and what they do, I can only imagine... but anyways thanks a lot!
I=B4ll try to get some more information about these state attributes.


Dave Mason schrieb:

Here's how I do it.  I dont know of a test client that can easily build=


a RADIUS Access-Request with an EAP-Message - if anybody does please le=


us know.  The radclient program supplied with Freeradius can add an=20
EAP-Message attribute but you have to code it yourself in hex.  Here's=20
how I send an EAP/Response/Identity:
$ radclient -f eapRspId.txt -r 1 localhost auth testing
The eapRspId.txt file looks like this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Message-Authenticator=3Dxxx,=20


# EAP-Resp/id=3D1/type=3DIdentity/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I put the comment last because radclient stops as soon as it sees a=20
comment.  Another thing to keep in mind.  Freeradius will set the RADIU=


State attribute in all challenge messages to some random value, but=20
you'll need to use the same value in the State attribute of the=20
response.  If youre using hard coded message files like this, adding a=20
different State value every time would be a pain, so I use a test patch=


in rlm_eap/state.c that sets State to some known value like "state1",=20
"state2", etc., throughout the challenge sequence, and another in my=20
rlm_eap_<type> to restart back to "state1" when EAP-Success or Failure=20
is sent.  You can keep the state number in a global variable.  This let=


you hard code the State value in the eapRspXxx.txt message file. I now=


turn the patch on at compile time with a flag, but someday I'd like to=20
make it configurable in radiusd.conf.

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