try putting it in radgroupcheck and usergroup should assign a group to each user.

that's how i use it with mysql

ciao artur


I'm currently configuring a Freeradius 0.9.1 with EAP-TLS support and
If I put in 'users' file DEFAULT Auth-Type := EAP

Everything works find, but if someone gets a certificate he can logs in.

I want to permit only user using postgresql.  What should I put into radcheck,
radreply and usergroup table to permit that.

log said that sql module returns ok
but my Auth-Type attribute is not handled, here is some table content:
radius=# select * from radcheck;
id | username | attribute | op | value ----+----------+---------------+----+----------
6 | greg | Auth-Type | := | EAP

(I don't know If I should put Auth-Type here)

radius=# select * from radreply;
id | username | attribute | op | value ----+----------+-----------+----+-------
5 | greg | Auth-Type | := | EAP

(I don't know If I should put Auth-Type here)

raddb/users :
DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
        Reply-Message = "high, low"

here is the query I use :
authorize_group_check_query = "SELECT, gct.GroupName, gct.Attribute, gct.Value, gct.Op FROM ${groupcheck_table} gct, ${usergroup_table} ugt WHERE ugt.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND ugt.GroupName = gct.GroupName ORDER BY"

authorize_group_reply_query = "SELECT, grt.GroupName, grt.Attribute, grt.Value, grt.Op FROM ${groupreply_table} grt, ${usergroup_table} ugt WHERE ugt.Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND ugt.GroupName = grt.GroupName ORDER BY"

Note: theses are not the default one but they are verified to work ;p and tests were
performed with both (default and mine)

That's all, in many tests I've delete the Auth-Type attribute from tables and it didn't change anything, the result was the same, the MATCHED was the one found in the users file.

Really thanks, I'm sure I've missed something but I don't see what ;]

The final purpose of this is to be able to remove access for someone just by
updating the good field containing the Auth-Type attribute to REJECT or to put
a specific user in a reject group...

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