many many thanks, it is very useful

but there is one thing left, i would be very grateful if you can help me
with it

i have to different isdn types isdn 64k (simultenous-use=1) and isdn 128k

if i define it by nas-port-type in the users file, i won't be able to
differntiate between user: isdn64 and isdn128

beside i in the rare case that a user wants to use the same username and
password pair with say 30 connections (simultenous-use=30) how will i be
able to define a SPECIAL case like that?? should i create him too a new
group?? and how should i define that group in the users file??

Thank you so much for your help
best regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dustin Doris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "freeradius-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: ldap authentication / simultenious-use

> On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Ossama Suleiman wrote:
> > dear all,
> >
> >     while authenticationg against ldap i enabled the compare_check_items
> > = yes, cause i wanted to use nas-port-type based authentication, because
> > i have to kinds of users, analog and ISDN, in order to prevent analog
> > users from using ISDN services
> > which is working fine now
> >
> >     but the problem i faced is in simultenous-use, as it is a check item
> > too, if the radius don't receive it while authenticating the user, the
> > user get's rejected
> >
> >     beside i want to use simultenous-use to differentiate between
> > isdn64K and isdn 128K
> >
> > any help??
> >
> > thanks and best regards
> >
> > ossama
> >
> You could try using Groups instead.
> in your ldap directory, say you have a user named test that has async
> access and test1 that has isdn access
> dn: uid=test,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com
> objectclass:  radiusprofile
> uid:  test
> radiusgroupname:  dial
> dn: uid=test1,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com
> objectclass:  radiusprofile
> uid:  test
> radiusgroupname:  isdn
> Then in your users file you have
> DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == ISDN, Ldap-Group == isdn
>    Fall-Through = no
> DEFAULT NAS-Port-TYpe == Async, Ldap-Group == dial
>    Fall-Through = no
> DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
>    Reply-Message = "Please call ...."
> Then in radiusd.conf in your ldap section, you define the attribute that
> corresponds to ldap-group.
> groupmembership_attribute = radiusGroupName
> Here is what happens.
> User dials in and hits radius server with NAS-Port-Type = Async.  Radius
> will lookup the user in the ldap directory and look for the attribute
> radiusGroupName = dial.  If the user has that particular attribute set, it
> will authorize the user.  If not, then it will fall through to Reject.
> The same with the isdn users when they connect.
> If the users are able to have access to both, then include both
> radiusGroupName entries.
> ie.
> dn: uid=test2,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com
> objectclass:  radiusprofile
> uid:  test
> radiusgroupname: isdn
> radiusgroupname: dial
> Hope that is helpful.
> Dustin Doris
> -
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