Upgrade to firmware version 2.3.1.  It sounds like you're using firmware
version 2.2.2 which had the problem you describe.


On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 13:16, Joe Antkowiak wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm stumped.
> We have a few orinico AP-2000's that we're trying to set up mac-address
> control through radius.
> The authentication works fine.  The shared secrets are correct,
> everything's configured right, etc...
> Accounting, however, doesn't.  When freeradius 0.9.1 (and 0.9.0) receives
> an accounting request from any AP2000, it complains that the shared secret
> is not the same, and rejects it.
> Now, I've read all the e-mails I could find about this, and I've tried all
> kinds of things, and I still can't get it to work, with freeradius.
> On an off chance, I tried it with cistron radius instead, with basicly the
> same exact configuration, and wa-la, everything works!
> This is the account record that the AP sends back to radius (as recorded
> by cistron):
> Thu Oct  9 14:06:52 2003
>         User-Name = "00-0c-41-0c-f3-ea"
>         Acct-Session-Id = "00-0c-41-0c-f3-ea"
>         NAS-Identifier = "wolfe-ap1"
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Port = 2
>         NAS-Port-Type = 19
>         Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
>         Acct-Status-Type = Start
>         Client-IP-Address =
>         Timestamp = 1065722812
>         Request-Authenticator = Unverified
> I did however notice the following statistics on the orinoco:
> Primary Authentication Server
> Access Requests 1
> Access Accepts 1
> Access Retransmissions 3
> Access Rejects 0
> Access Challenges 0
> Malformed Access Responses 0
> Authentication Bad Authenticators 1   <<<  ?
> Timeouts 3
> Primary Accounting Server
> Accounting Requests 1
> Accounting Retransmissions 0
> Accounting Responses 1
> Accounting Bad Authenticators 1   <<<  ?
> And any password being passed to radius comes back in a jumbled string of
> letters and numbers, about 50 characters long.
> This is my freeradius config:
> clients:
>           <<ss>>
> clients.conf:
> client {
>         secret          = <<ss>>
>         nastype         = portslave
>         shortname       = wolfe1-ap1
> }
> naslist:
>            wolfe1-ap1      portslave
> Anyone have any ideas?  I'd really like to use freeradius, I want mysql.
> Thanks in advance.
> - 
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Michael Griego
Wireless LAN Project Manager
The University of Texas at Dallas

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