Hi there,

I seem to be having a strange error occurring during the past few days
that I think has something to do with the IP Pools Management. We use
two Ascend Lucent MAX 3000 NAS (the one with one PRI while the second
carries two). The problem occurs while there are more than 50 dialup
users in which case the users can't connect and get an error type 738:
Server did not assign an IP address... 

I've enabled ippools in radius.conf with the correct start and stop
values and added the main_pool in the accounting and post-auth section
as mentioned. However the weird thing is that I don't seem to have any
logs via the radius of the unsuccessful attempts (either via the
detail/reply logs or the dialup admin) and I can't trace the problem by
debugging mode since the error doesn't happen all the times. It would
look like the nases are blocking the connections.

I believe that it has something to do with the NASes but the strange
thing is that while using the Cistron radius server no such issue had
been observed. 

Also I observed that the nases with each authentication attempt send a
radius packet for a pools-nas1, pools-nas2 connection which I can't
really figure out which purpose they have. 

Anyway, I hope someone would be willing to give me a hand cause I am
pretty confused..


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