hello all

i have a problem which i can't still solve. maybe there is solution,
but i can't find it:(

i must use suffix @blabla for every accounts. for some accounts i want
use prefix too - because auth proxying.
i'm planning use prefixes only for non-local accounts, but there is
special group of users which want duplicate his accounting info to non
local server, but authorize locally. i create prefix for this group and
i add it into proxy configuration with two accthost entries.

now i need strip suffix for this special group before authorization,
because i don't want store usernames with suffixes into my backend
(which is currently ldap). but when realm aaa is matched, imho, i can
strip only this realm.

proxy: realm aaa {
                accthost host1:1813
                accthost LOCAL
                nostrip/strip   // only one from this
DEFAULT Auth-Type := LDAP, Ldap-Group == "aaa-group", Suffix == "@blabla"

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