Hi all

I have just upgraded from 0.9.1 to 0.9.3. And I can still authenticate
(from a Cisco VPN 3000 to freeRADIUS). But I can no longer receive
authentication messages in the log files (as seen below):

Fri Nov 21 07:33:23 2003 : Auth: rlm_unix: [auser]: invalid password
Fri Nov 21 07:33:23 2003 : Auth: Login incorrect: [auser] (from client vpn port 2854)
Fri Nov 21 07:33:30 2003 : Auth: Login OK: [user1] (from client vpn port 2854)
Fri Nov 21 08:13:46 2003 : Auth: Login OK: [user2] (from client vpn port 2884)

The configuration files (radiusd.conf, clients.conf and naslist) are the
same as the old ones. I cannot find any info that the anything should have
changed with regards to logging. I have "log_auth = yes" in radiusd.conf
and I have also tried including -y on the commandline for radiusd.

Does anyone have any ideas?

MVH / Best regards

Mikael M. Hansen

Computer Science Dept.                  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aalborg University                      phone: +45 9635 8905
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7E                   room: E2-121
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark

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