At 01:11 PM 11/21/2003, Greg G wrote:

Chris Parker wrote:

So, the packet being sent is an invalid accounting packet, as it doesn't
contain NAS-IP-Address or NAS-Identifier.  Nor a session-id.

Now that's strange, because this packet is being sent from radclient. I thought I had seen it work in 092 with the default acct_users, but it's seg faulting in 093 either way.

echo "User-Name = test1" | radclient acct a_secret

radclient sends what you tell it to send. If you tell it to send an invalid accounting packet ( since you aren't including one of the manadatory attributes ), it will do so. If you want to send a valid accounting packet, add more attributes to your call to radclient.

   \\\|||///  \          StarNet Inc.      \         Chris Parker
   \ ~   ~ /   \       WX *is* Wireless!    \   Director, Engineering
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