
How we gonna map below entry (with TAG) in ldap.attrmap?? and how the entry
in LDAP will be??

radiusTunnelPassword :
radiusTunnelMediumType :
radiusTunnelType :

> Tunnel-Password:0 = "xxxxxxxx",
> Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IP,
> Tunnel-Type:0 = L2TP,
> Tunnel-Server-Endpoint:0 = ""


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Brotsos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: tunneling

> >From dictionary.tunnel...
> >
> >ATTRIBUTE       Tunnel-Type                     64      integer has_tag
> >
> >what is mean by "has_tag"??
> >
> >
> >I'm currently working on RADIUS - MPLS-VPN project, and from example
> >given by cisco.. Some of attributes needed for doing L2TP tunnelling
> >are as below:
> >
> >Tunnel-Type = :1:L2TP
> >Tunnel-Medium-Type = :1:IP
> >Tunnel-Server-Endpoint = :1:
> >
> >So what is ":1" from ":1:L2TP" means ??
> The ":1" is the tag, and the "has_tag" portion of the dictionary
> definition you refer to above informs the RADIUS software that it
> should expect (or append when necessary) certain characters as part
> of the attribute.
>  From the RFCs included in the 'rfc' sub-directory of the 'doc'
> directory of the FreeRADIUS source code:
> Tag
>        The Tag field is one octet in length and is intended to provide a
>        means of grouping attributes in the same packet which refer to the
>        same tunnel.  Valid values for this field are 0x01 through 0x1F,
>        inclusive.  If the value of the Tag field is greater than 0x00 and
>        less than or equal to 0x1F, it SHOULD be interpreted as indicating
>        which tunnel (of several alternatives) this attribute pertains;
>        otherwise, the Tag field SHOULD be ignored.
> The tags mean nothing to the RADIUS server itself; the definition
> above is explaining how the NAS is going to use/interpret the Tag.
> As well, I'm not sure which RADIUS server that syntax (e.g.
> Tunnel-Type = :1:L2TP) is correct for, but for FreeRADIUS the
> attributes should be configured as follows:
> Tunnel-Password:0 = "xxxxxxxx",
> Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IP,
> Tunnel-Type:0 = L2TP,
> Tunnel-Server-Endpoint:0 = ""
> HTH,
> Chris Brotsos
> -
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