I sent the tarball to Peter Nixon.

Since I changed all the filename extensions from .php3 to .php, a patch would be twice as
large, unless I did some trickery. I'll look into it.

Kostas Kalevras wrote:

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Guy Fraser wrote:


The updated version of dialup admin I sent in didn't seem to show
up on the list.

The attachment was 70kB, I presume thats why.

Where should I send this updated source, so it can be tested, and
put into the main source?

I 'd rather prefer a patch to the current CVS version rather than the whole thing. Either put it on a web page somewhere, or send it to me directly. Though i don't use postgresql

Guy Fraser
Network Administrator
The Internet Centre
780-450-6787 , 1-888-450-6787

There is a fine line between genius and lunacy, fear not, walk the
line with pride. Not all things will end up as you wanted, but you
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-- Kostas Kalevras Network Operations Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Technical University of Athens, Greece Work Phone: +30 210 7721861 'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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-- Guy Fraser Network Administrator The Internet Centre 780-450-6787 , 1-888-450-6787

There is a fine line between genius and lunacy, fear not, walk the
line with pride. Not all things will end up as you wanted, but you
will certainly discover things the meek and timid will miss out on.

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